[Ohio-talk] Fw: OH Student in March for Independence

Dr. Smith jwsmithnfb at verizon.net
Sat Jun 20 22:48:26 UTC 2009

As I said, it is always a good time for great news so read on and if you have more jump right in ok?


Dr. J. Webster Smith
President National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
P.O.BOX 458 Athens, Ohio, 45701-0458
Phone Number - 740-592-6326 
"Changing What it Means to be Blind"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Riccobono, Mark 
To: jwsmithnfb at verizon.net 
Cc: Kevan Worley 
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: OH Student in March for Independence

Dr. Smith,

I hope you are doing well--I look forward to seeing you at the National Convention.  

Kevan Worley has asked me to coordinate a piece of the rally during this year's March for Independence.  We are going to be highlighting some of the work accomplished through our Imagination Fund grants--at the national and local levels.  I wanted you to know that I have reached out to the family of Boniface Womber from Ohio.  I have asked Boniface to participate in the rally.  They are now making plans to be at the convention and I helped them find a room at the Marriott--because I knew of someone here in Baltimore who had one to give up.

I wanted you to know that Boniface would be at the convention with one or more of his family members and that he likely will participate in the March rally as one of our Junior Science Academy students.


Mark A. Riccobono
Executive Director, Jernigan Institute
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland   21230
Phone: (410) 659-9314 ext. 2357
Fax: (410) 659-5129
Email: mriccobono at nfb.org
Web: www.nfb.org

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