[Ohio-talk] NFB of Ohio Exhibit Hall Table

Mark McClain mcmcclain at charter.net
Mon Jun 29 00:27:00 UTC 2009

The NF of Ohio will have a table in the exhibit hall. We will need workers. Below is the schedule of when the table is open. I usually schedule 2 workers per 2 hour time time slot. If everyone volunteers at least one time slot we should be ok with workers. I  will be at the table in between shift changes and I will give everyone a quick and easy training on our table. This year there is an opportunity to be open from 7- 10 pm on Tuesday evening. We will be open only if I have enough people interested in working. Please note that Saturday and Sunday are the hardest time slots to fill due to the parents meetings during those times. I will be recruiting on the bus. thanks for your continued support of the Ohio table. 

Saturday 9am  till 5 pm
Sunday   8:30 am  till 5 pm
Monday  Noon till 1:45 pm
Tuesday Noon till 1:45 pm  and 7:00pm till 10 pm

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