[Ohio-talk] convention and membership

Payne, Richard L (GE Capital) richard.payne at ge.com
Mon Oct 19 19:22:52 UTC 2009

Well the clock is still ticking and  Cleveland seems to be a little
quiet about how many members they will be bringing. I hope like the good
doctor subscribed we all have got the convention flew?
But never the less I invite all of you to the membership committee
seminar and challenge you to bring smiles and get ready to actively
participate. We will start on time Friday October 30 at 1/30 p and
finish before the ghost and goblins come out. You do not want to miss
this years seminar because you are starring  in it. You probably did not
know that but to find out your part show up ok? O by the way Dayton will
be selling 50 50 tickets we will be out selling Toledo so get the
winning tickets from us ok? Richard  

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