[Ohio-talk] Colleen and Richard, re: Question of philosophy

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Thu Sep 24 18:22:57 UTC 2009

Richard and Coleen:

I am compelled to write, because I saw this on the ACB National
Discussion list, and several other lists.  I have a slightly different

In many respects, I support _myself, when talking about an issue.  I may
_join _in the NFB in _endorsing and _supporting something, but I may make
my own decisions.  I can be objective; I may be biassed.  I may agree with
NFB on something, and with ACB on something.  But that makes me: a
consumer.  Unlike most, I am physically blind, but not "spiritually blind."
 I agreed, and still agree, with Marc Maurer that, for example, Braille
must be taught in school, and that NFB must take a strong interest in
educating the nation's blind.  I graduated from North Torrance High School,
California.  None of the members in my VI Resource Room, are members of NFB
or ACB.  But I take strong interest in listening to de-bate.  Both
organizations have taught me to be politically active.

I do not come from an NFB-ACB family.  So, I, objectively, formulate my
opinion, as to what the consensus of blind people feel.

NFB and ACB are two great organizations.  However, as you put it, Coleen:
we're family.  For the 21st century, let's try and find more common ground,
not less, on the blindness issues of the day.  Let's not go back to
negative pasts, like the War Between the States (Civil War.)  Let's work

Eric from Los Angeles:

Find it in your heart, to look to your friends.  Show them what love is,
and tell them today: "I look to you."  Be blessed!  Be positive!  And for
all my friends, truly!  I look to you!  

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