[Ohio-talk] August Report on Newsline

Colleen Roth n8tnv at att.net
Mon Sep 6 19:52:33 UTC 2010

Hi Cherforl,
It was interesting to see how much you accomplished on behalf of Newsline and the blind in August.
Newsline is certainly growing and we all need to work together to keep it well-funded and reach out to those who do not know about it.
We can never say that we do not have anything to do in the NFB.
There's enough work for everyone and there's always something new to peek your interest.
When people wonder we we still believe we need the National Federation of the Blind they should just look at the things we have been working on and the things that need to be done yet.
I met a lady yesterday who couldn't imagine how a totally blind person could cook. She wasn't being rude, she just didn't know.
That led to numerous questions which lasted about half an hour.
She thought Dudley should do the cooking because he had some vision. I told her that wouldn't work because he can't cook. He told her that I was a good cook. She talked to us at the y Therapy Pool.
You never know when you can educate someone.
I even ended up explaining how I label things and make out a grocery list.
It was a great opportunity. Never thought I would do that in the pool.
Colleen Roth

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