[Ohio-talk] Christmas Music for Richard

COLLEEN ROTH n8tnv at att.net
Mon Nov 11 00:39:02 UTC 2013

Hello Richard,
I am going to send you a beautiful CD with Christmas Music just for you.
You could always play it when you are proclaiming that there are no cats and no cats are welcome in Dayton.
Of course it's a Meowy that's m e o w y Christmas. 
You would be surprised if you knew how many Cat People were at the 2013 State Convention.
You know Richard that we Cat People wouldn't bring them to a Convention because they would be so traumatized with all of those dogs.
If there is a dog where the cat lives it may let the dog know who is in charge. At a convention it wouldn't want to go through all of that.
I just had to make your day.
Someone thought you were blessed to have Cleopatra.
They didn't know what kind of cat shall is.
A Meowy Christmas is even a bit much for me. I only listen to it once or twice per season.
It also has something else with it which I could leave out.
Enjoy the Braille Code.
Colleen Roth

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