[Ohio-talk] nfb leadership

Cheryl Fields cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 22:22:30 UTC 2013

Hello all,
As I read the conversations today on Ohio-Talk I felt the need to say
something, so hear it is.
I believe that 20 % of the membership does most of the work because we
are not investing the time to develop others for leadership and may
overlook those that are capeable to lead.
This is a grave mistake that many organizations make, consequently it
is like shooting yourself in the foot. The leadership will become
stagnant and unattractive to younger folks with fresh ideas.
For 2014 let's us identify the stregnths and weakness of our chapters,
begin to identify those we can develop and mentor for leadership
positions. Give up the attitude that we are the only ones that can get
the job done, use the capeable leaders we have not included in
decision making, brainstorming, or using their new ideas. In my
opinion this will keep us strong for the future!
Cheryl Fields


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