[Ohio-talk] Mainstream

Carol Akers purplecakers at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 12 22:35:25 UTC 2013

Here is a question to all you Mainstream users.
When you schedule a pickup, does the driver notify you when he or she arrives, or do they expect that you will be aware and waiting?  The reason I ask is that I heard the backing up beep (as Dusty says, the backing up van) and looked out to see what it was.  It was Mainstream and he did wait at least 5 minutes, while I was getting Dusty organized and in his stander, and no one appeared to get on.  There are at least 2- 3 people in my direct parking  area who might have scheduled the ride and whom they might have been waiting for.  So if someone complains that they either did not show up or that they were too early or too late, who did not come out for pick up? Just wondered.  Any response to explain this to me?

Carol Akers

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