[Ohio-talk] fyi just a laugh for to day

Payne, Richard L (GE Capital) richard.payne at ge.com
Mon Nov 18 12:37:15 UTC 2013

Last night while it was storming hard. I went to the funny bone. This is a comedy club. Several people have asked are suggested that I do standup comedy before. It seems that every time I go lately they sit me towards the front near the stage. Guy Torrey  was the comic    last night. He noticed me eating notches  and then began to start making jokes. He said that if he was blind he would not even leave home he would be afraid. He went on to state that Stevie who we all know sits on the bottom level of the floor when he is at a Lakers game. He joked that they could have put me out side and put speakers all around me and I would not have even known.
The guy was just joking and did a great job by letting me shoot back with my own jokes from the table. Even though I did not do stand up from the table worked just fine. He  made other comments  and asked questions that I cannot put up here but at the end of his act you could tell he understood that blind people was just like anyone else. He paid my tab and said I motivated  him. Positive Payne

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