[Ohio-talk] {Disarmed} FW: TRN Disability Update

Smith, JW smithj at ohio.edu
Thu Oct 31 14:39:45 UTC 2013

I don't usually send out things like this but some issues here might be of interest to some of you.


Dr. JW Smith
Associate Professor
Interim Director of Honors Tutorial Studies
School of Communication Studies
Lasher Hall, Rm. 112
Athens, OH 45701
smithj at ohio.edu<mailto:smithj at ohio.edu>
T: 740-593-4838
F: 740-593-4810

*Ask me about the newly revised Ohio Fellows Program or visit http://www.ohio.edu/univcollege/ohiofellows.cfm

"Regarding the past, change what you can, and can what you can't."
"Our minds are like parachutes. They work best when they are open."

From: TRN, Inc. [mailto:info at trninc.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 4:31 PM
To: jsmith1 at ohio.edu
Subject: TRN Disability Update





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In this issue

*         Employment First: FL, CA, NV
*         Dollar General Lawsuit
*         Unemployment Rate of People with Disabilities
*         KS Employment Funding from United Healthcare
*         GAO Report on Employer Services
*         Microsoft Launches Disability Employment Initiative with Its Vendors


TRN Web Courses Open for Registration


Job Coaching
November 6-19


Effective job design, instructional and behavioral support strategies, and the development of co-worker and natural supports.

Providing Quality Training
December 4-17


Offering good instruction for people with disabilities. Independence, productivity, and integration are all based upon individuals having the skills necessary to be competent in specific situations, such as shopping for groceries, interacting with co-workers, and cleaning one's apartment.

United Healthcare Awards Funds to Support Kansas Citizens with Disabilities Entering Employment

United Healthcare has announced the first recipients of grants for Empower Kansans, a three-year, $1.5 million initiative to support people living with disabilities in their search for meaningful employment. The company awarded five local community organizations grants totaling $263,941. The grants are designed to support the first wave of professional development for Medicaid beneficiaries living with disabilities in Kansas who are seeking employment in the state.

Employment First Resource


Describes elements needed to support Employment First, from agency-level restructuring to policy, funding incentives and technical capacity. Includes a Self-Assessment.

Learn more<https://trn-store.com/MLM/lm/lm.php?tk=CQkJanNtaXRoMUBvaGlvLmVkdQlUUk4gRGlzYWJpbGl0eSBVcGRhdGUJMzY3Mwl0cm4xMS0xMwkxNDczNgljbGljawl5ZXMJbm8=&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftrn-store.com%2Femployment-first>

GAO: US Employment Services Are " Fragmented"

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) has identified 45 programs that supported employment for people with disabilities in fiscal year 2010, reflecting a fragmented system of services. The programs were administered by nine federal agencies and overseen by even more congressional committees. All programs overlapped with at least one other program in that they provided one or more similar employment service to a similar population - people with disabilities.

Federal officials that GAO surveyed reported only limited coordination. However, among six selected programs that serve only people with disabilities, including the Department of Education's Vocational Rehabilitation program and the Social Security Administration's Ticket to Work program, officials cited more consistent coordination. Most (32) of the 45 programs surveyed tracked at least one employment-related outcome measure for people with disabilities, but overall little is known about the effectiveness.
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Microsoft Initiative to Lead to 200 Supported Employment Jobs

One of the largest corporations in Washington State, Microsoft has recognized it has an opportunity to partner with vendors and local employment agencies to create job opportunities for people with developmental disabilities at Microsoft facilities. Microsoft General Manager Chris Owens announced a goal of having Microsoft Vendors hire 200 new employees into supported employment positions over the next two years.

The individuals who are hired through this program will receive long-term supports from ten King County supported employment agencies that have been selected to provide these services on campus.
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Before you go, comment on:

Dale DILeo's blog post on Transition from School to Work<https://trn-store.com/MLM/lm/lm.php?tk=CQkJanNtaXRoMUBvaGlvLmVkdQlUUk4gRGlzYWJpbGl0eSBVcGRhdGUJMzY3Mwl0cm4xMS0xMwkxNDczNgljbGljawl5ZXMJbm8=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fraymondsroom.blogspot.com%2F>

"...Schools must expand beyond their classroom walls into their business communities. They need to build career development curricula that are flexible so that they can be customized for each student. They need to turn their focus to engage their local employers, not asking for favors, but as an investment in the future labor force. "


Employment First Makes Gains in Several States


On October 8, Florida Governor Rick Scott issued an Executive Order titled "Reaffirming Commitment to Employment for Floridians with Disabilities." The Executive Order supports Employment First efforts in Florida. The order states that "Employment is the most direct and cost-effective means in helping an individual achieve independence and self-fulfillment, which should be the primary objective of public assistance programs wherever possible."

The governor's Executive Order also mandates development of an interagency cooperative agreement between key Florida agencies and organizations, and it requires that the agreement formalize objectives that have an evidence base for improving integrated employment services.
For more information<https://trn-store.com/MLM/lm/lm.php?tk=CQkJanNtaXRoMUBvaGlvLmVkdQlUUk4gRGlzYWJpbGl0eSBVcGRhdGUJMzY3Mwl0cm4xMS0xMwkxNDczNgljbGljawl5ZXMJbm8=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flgov.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Forders%2F2013%2F13-284-disabilities.pdf>

On October 9, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law an Employment First Policy for the state. It states: "It is the policy of the state that opportunities for integrated, competitive employment shall be given the highest priority for working age individuals with developmental disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disabilities."

For more information<https://trn-store.com/MLM/lm/lm.php?tk=CQkJanNtaXRoMUBvaGlvLmVkdQlUUk4gRGlzYWJpbGl0eSBVcGRhdGUJMzY3Mwl0cm4xMS0xMwkxNDczNgljbGljawl5ZXMJbm8=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ggrc.org%2Fstorage%2Fdocuments%2FNews_and_Announcements%2FSCDD_Letters_to_Gov.pdf>

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has issued an executive order that directs all Nevada state agencies to make a concerted effort to include persons with disabilities in the preliminary and final group of candidates considered for employment.

The executive order is intended to allow people with disabilities greater opportunity to enter the workplace and to lead the way for businesses and other organizations to do the same, according to a news release from the governor's office. Nevada currently has in place a program which offers state agencies a quick and efficient method to fill vacancies with a qualified candidate with a disability for 700 hours.

For more information<https://trn-store.com/MLM/lm/lm.php?tk=CQkJanNtaXRoMUBvaGlvLmVkdQlUUk4gRGlzYWJpbGl0eSBVcGRhdGUJMzY3Mwl0cm4xMS0xMwkxNDczNgljbGljawl5ZXMJbm8=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcarsonnow.org%2Fstory%2F08%2F31%2F2013%2Fgov-sandoval-signs-executive-order-provide-opportunities-disabled-workers>


Dollar General: $47,500 to Settle EEOC Discrimination Lawsuit


A Dollar General Store in Indiana will pay $47,500 to settle a disability discrimination lawsuit filed by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced. According to the EEOC's lawsuit, Dollar General failed to provide a reasonable accommodation for an employee's disability and demoted him because of his disability, dyslexia.

The employee was required to take a series of computer-based training. The employee asked for help reading due to his dyslexia. His request was denied. When he refused to complete the training without accommodation, he was demoted to a lesser-paid position with reduced hours.
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Unemployment Rate of People
with Disabilities Stays High


The third-quarter unemployment rate for people with disabilities (red bars) rose slightly compared to second quarter 2013, reaching its highest level in 2013. The rate for those with no disabilities declined to its lowest level in more than a year.

For third quarter 2013, people with disabilities experienced an unemployment rate 97% higher than people with no disabilities.
Source: Allsup analysis based on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, not seasonally adjusted and includes those 16 and older.
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Would you like customized computer-based training for your agency? Contact TRN<https://trn-store.com/MLM/lm/lm.php?tk=CQkJanNtaXRoMUBvaGlvLmVkdQlUUk4gRGlzYWJpbGl0eSBVcGRhdGUJMzY3Mwl0cm4xMS0xMwkxNDczNgljbGljawl5ZXMJbm8=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.trn-store.com%2Fmailto%3Ainfo%40trninc.com%3FSubject%3DCustomized%20Training%20Info%20Request&body=**Please%20e-mail%20me%20about%20developing%20customized%20training.>


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