[Ohio-talk] Attention NAPUB members

Barbara Pierce bbpierce at pobox.com
Fri Sep 13 12:42:55 UTC 2013

I am about to tackle the division Gavel Award questionnaire. I have heard
from Debbie Baker, and I know what members did for BELL, but I need to know
what else you have been doing to advance Braille across the state. Who has
been teaching Braille? How about reading to children from Braille books, or
writing names and handing out Braille alphabet cards? It doesn't matter if
you did any of these things as part of a chapter's project. We can count
them as well. You can write me off list at bpierce at oberlin.net or respond to
this message. If you have signed up for NEWSLINE or done Scrip, I need to
know that as well.

Barbara Pierce

President Emerita

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio



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