[Ohio-talk] Bruce Peters

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Fri Jan 17 14:47:48 UTC 2014

Hello Again, All,

Thanks, Eric, for that. Such acknowledgement is 
appreciated. Bruce was one f many who gave much of 
their life to help the NFB change what it means to 
be blind. Funny how the NFB really can become like 
family, if you let it, coming into parts of your 
life you might not expect it to. Like with many 
families, there are 'crazy uncles,' odd ducks, and 
always entertaining ones in a gathering. And we 
might not always agree with every detail of every 
'family' or group decision. Still, I've always 
found myself coming back despite any differences 
I've ever felt in past decades. Because even if at 
any, any given points in my day I do not like 
something, the NFB is still my family. That being 
said, Bruce was one of those family members whom 
you were always glad to talk to.

Strive On, Ohioans!

----- Original Message ----- 
Tomorrow morning during the board meeting we will 
take time to pay tribute to Bruce. Those who want 
to do so will have an opportunity to say what they 
would like about him. I also encourage people to 
write something for the next Buckeye bulletin.r

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