[Ohio-talk] Reminder for Board Members

Eric Duffy peduffy63 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 11:32:16 UTC 2014

This is a reminder that we will have a board meeting by conference tomorrow night at 7:30 PM. The number to call is (605) 475-4875. Use access code 201909 followed by the pound sign.

I am inviting everyone who would like to do so to attend. This is true with all of our board meetings of course.

I am particularly encouraging chapter leaders to be on the call.

I am asking everyone to listen to ThroughOurEyes to night.

Here is the information you need about that.

On Wednesday, July 16 at 8:00 pm Eastern,  ThruOurEyes host Joe Ruffalo will
interview Art Schreiber, author, public speaker and advocate. The discussion
will highlight Art's involvement with the Beatles, his media career,
acceptance to blindness,and Art's continued energy to make a difference!
Art’s new book, Out of Sight, Blind and Doing Alright will be highlighted.
We encourage listeners to call 1-888-572-0141 with their comments and or


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or for JAWS and other screen reader users:
Click/Enter on the listen to get the audio only or go a bit further down the
page for the view and click/enter there for audio and video

Also you can see us live on youtube as well

To listen to the live show via phone, call:
1 347 215 7037.
To phone in with a suggestion, comment, or just a shout out:
1 888 572 0141

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