[Ohio-talk] blindness and minor inconvenience

Marianne Denning via Ohio-talk ohio-talk at nfbnet.org
Fri May 23 16:49:04 UTC 2014

NFB says blindness is a minor inconvenience.  Today, it was one of
those for sure and I am very embarrassed.  I hate it when I look
stupid and blind at the same time and I pulled it off today.  I had
the ISBN for a textbook and sent it on to be ordered.  I learned that
I had provided the same ISBN in March but did not know that because
the school district was going to order new math books so I assumed the
original number was for the old book.  Then, I didn't check the
numbers and responded that the previous number was for the old math
book.  I was wrong but didn't bother to look up the old number.  I
find the form a little challenging to navigate so didn't even look.  I
think a sighted person would have checked the 2 numbers to see if they
were the same.

I know that was complicated but I wanted to share one of those minor

Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
(513) 607-6053

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