[Ohio-talk] Picking and choosing battles

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 13:06:55 UTC 2014

Hi all, 

I am at the American Music Therapy Association National Conference. When I went two years ago, I didn't know that I could receive accommodations. Paula Jordan advised me to ask for a Braille agenda and guide services so I can make sure to get where I want to go without missing a session to walk around the hotel. I did these things when I registered online, but I couldn't get AMTA to return calls about it. I just found out that AMTA doesn't braille agendas, but they do have large print and a web-based app. 

The app does work, but having the agenda in Braille would be so much more convenient. At the least, I would have embossed the agenda or put it on my notetaker myself had they responded to me in advance. Needless to say, I'm wondering if I should try to get AMTA to improve on this, or just suck it up. 

Thoughts? Suggestions?

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