[Ohio-talk] Conference call remarks

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 01:55:24 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I managed to make it to the conference call, a rare event since I
usually have obligations at 8:00 but they started and finished early
tonight), but my phone reception was so poor that I was asked to write
what I was going to say.  What I wanted to say at one point is
something we discussed on the call, and everyone seemed to agree that
we need to talk it up.  So, that's why I'm putting what I've got to
say here.

First, when we were talking about our performance after we talked
about the hotel pros and cons, I think we handled our parts of the
convention really well.  Everything ran more or less on time, and the
agenda was pretty nice.  Although I know the streaming had it's
problems, Aleeha definitely did her best to make that accessible to
those listening in from home.  I was very excited to have Dr. Maurer
there.  I saw a report that Deborah wrote to the Cincinnati chapter
members earlier today, and she said that Dr. Maurer was truly among
us.  It was really cool to get to meet him... I wanted to really badly
when I went to National Convention last year, and I actually had some
pretty cool conversations with him this time.  I loved the fundraiser,
and even if I weren't in the Federation, it would have been something
I would have enjoyed going to and participating in.  I'm also really
glad I bid on those Springfield Symphony tickets, and want to thank
the Springfield chapter for donating them.  I don't get to see my
roommate from last year much these days, so she'll be accompanying me
to part of the Mozart festival in January, using the gas card to get
us there and to get ice cream before going back to campus.

For me, the convention was amazing!  I was hooked when I attended my
first convention in 2012, but this convention was incredibly inspiring
and rejuvenating.  I was so pumped up throughout the entire weekend,
and everything from Dr. and Mrs. Maurer joining the student division
(yes, they paid dues and Dr. Maurer even highjacked running the
presidential election from Aleeha which was kind of funny), to the
wonderful presentations from all who talked on Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday in general sessions.  I've also received a lot of nice feedback
on the music I played, and am flattered.  I was still pretty new to it
before convention, but I've been playing my CD from the Cincinnati
chapter a fair amount over the past week or so, mainly because the
songs took on so much meaning once everyone was singing in convention.
I didn't get through all I wanted to, and didn't get to show everyone
the re-writes I wrote of Yellow Submarine and All Together Now, but
the important songs made it in and I had a great time with it.

It was surprisingly hard to adjust back to school life coming out of
convention.  I hear that a lot from my roommates who go on campus
ministry retreats, because they get so emotionally involved in what
they're doing.  I think that was what happened to me over the weekend.
I'm really proud of the work that has been accomplished this year in
the affiliate, and in the student division, and can't wait to see what
happens next.

A few of you know that I had a difficult time securing accommodations
for my music classes last year.  I've just in the past few days found
out that the problem is not just isolated to me and my university, but
is an organizational problem which can effect students with
disabilities across the U.S.  Convention happened at a perfect time,
because I know that I have a network of people I can contact for
advice or to just share my concerns, and I have just seen examples of
things which take time in order to change for the better.  I'm
definitely freaking out about this problem, but I would be freaking
out more, and wouldn't be focusing on finding a solution rather than
wallowing in the problem if I didn't have the NFB, or had I not had
convention before learning about this serious issue.

If you weren't at convention, you truly missed out on an amazing
weekend of work, play, and celebration.  I know that we've
acknowledged that the Cleveland chapter was missed, but we missed
everyone else who wasn't able to come too.  If you didn't come this
year, I'd highly recommend coming in 2015.

Just my two cents worth... sorry to those on the phone call who tried
to understand me through my poor reception.
Kaiti Shelton
University of Dayton 2016.
Music Therapy, Psychology, Philosophy
President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma

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