[Ohio-talk] an encouraging experience

Aleeha Dudley blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 13:12:52 UTC 2014

Hey All,
     I just thought I would share my wonderful experience with you
guys this morning.
I was at Applebees with my mother last night, celebrating my birthday.
She leaned over and told me that she thought she saw a blind teen
walking into the restaurant with his mother. I got really excited.
There aren´t a lot of blind ppeople around here and I really wanted to
network with this guy. I asked mom where he was sitting, and she said
that he and his mother had sat down at the table across the aisle from
us. As we ate, I did some inadvertent eavesdropping and noticed that
this teen was indeed blind. I could hear VoiceOver speaking on his
phone. I smiled and stood. Walking over to the table, I said: Hey, I
hear a talking iPhone. He apologized, but I said that it was perfectly
OK, that I was blind and wanted to introduce myself to him. We shook
hands, and his mother invited me to sit down at the table, which I
did. We talked for at least 45 minutes about blindness, living with
it, and how I am currently doing as a student at Miami. His mother
seemed amazed that there are blind people here in Butler County, and I
proceeded to tell her that there is a group of 5 of us here in Oxford.
Of course, I told him about our student division and his mother seemed
very interested. We exchanged contact information and I hope that I
will hear from him. Just thought I would share this with you all. They
do seem a bit skeptical about the NFB, but I am going to work on that.
I left names out on purpose here.

Aleeha Dudley and Seeing Eye Yellow Labrador Dallas
Vice President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Email: blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com
Follow me on Twitter at @blindcowgirl199

The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears.
- Arabian Proverb

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