[Ohio-talk] UEB Reader

Barb Fohl barbfohl at pobox.com
Tue Jan 6 20:36:30 UTC 2015

anybody know where I can get the UEB Reader book in hard copy braille, not download?  National Braille Press has been announcing that you could call 617-972-7248 and leave your name and address on the BANA Information Line, and they would send it to you.  I called on the 9th and the 23rd of December, as well as the 5th of January, and they haven't sent it.

National Braille Press also said you could e-mail to kim.charlson at perkins.org and request the UEB Reader, leaving your name and address so they could send it.  My computer said it was an invalid internet address.I tried adding www.(Etc.) to the address, and it said it wasn't deliverable as addressed.  I added http://, and it didn't like that, either.  I'd appreciate any other suggestions.Thanks.

By the way, NBP has 2 copies left of a book they're calling (approximately) LEARNING TO USE THE MAC PRODUCTS WITH VOICE OVER."  They had 3 copies a few minutes ago, and I just ordered one.  It's $20. -Barb

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