[Ohio-talk] The National Association of Blind Students Presents: A call about Convention

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 00:29:57 UTC 2015

Hi, everyone,

The June membership call of the Ohio Association of Blind Students
will focus on our upcoming convention.  This will be a time for OABS
members to discuss their convention experiences, talk a bit about
their plans (assuming hopefully that the agenda is out by that time),
and of course put the finishing touches on our fundraiser.

As none of the 4 members of OABS who will be attending convention are
first-timers, I'd like to extend an invitation to any first-time
attendees that anyone on this list is aware of.  Aleeha Dudley, Macy
McClain, Emily Pennington, and myself would all be happy to share
tips, tricks, and insight about convention to newcomers.  This is
especially so for any students attending convention for the first
time, but we would like to be a resource for anyone who would benefit.

This call will take place at 7:30 PM on June 18.  Specific call
information (number and passcode) will be sent out closer to the
event.  Aleeha will be facilitating this call.

Though I will not be in attendance as I will be out of the country, I
will be available over the next week and a half or so and after June
21st to answer any questions or help any first-time attendees who are
students get acquainted with OABS.  Please feel free to pass along
this message as appropriate.  My contact information is included

Kaiti Shelton, OABS President.
kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Kaiti Shelton
University of Dayton 2016.
Music Therapy, Psychology, Philosophy
President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma

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