[Ohio-talk] fyi

Payne, Richard L (Synchrony Financial) richard.payne at syf.com
Sun Jun 5 13:43:49 UTC 2016

       Very soon   your Ohio delegation will be attending the convention of the National Federation of the Blind. If you are not attending the convention, be sure  That I  have  all the contributions that your chapter will  be making at the national convention.
A.   The  Imagination Fund
B.    tenBroek Fund
C.   White cane Fund
D.   SUN contribution
E.    Jernigan Fund
F.    Cash door prizes
Please be sure that all checks are written to the appropriate entity. (For example, a check for the tenBroek Fund must not be made out to the NFB.) The other funds should be indicated in the check's memo line, and the check should be made payable to the NFB. Contributions for door prizes should be made to the NFB of Ohio so that I  can   take cash to the convention.
My  mailing address is.
1019 Wilmington ave. ap. 43 Kettering Ohio 45420  ph. 937/396/5573 Richard

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