[Ohio-talk] fyi

richard rchpay7 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 12:27:04 UTC 2016

Welcome to Ability Front!


Please go directly to the links provided for additional information. If you
have any news, opportunities or resources you want me to include in Ability
Front, please email me privately for consideration of what you send. My
criteria are generally "Will this help fellow Ohioans with disabilities or
disability professionals?" and "Is it timely, affordable and relevant?" And
if you ever want to unsubscribe, likewise just send me an email.


I'm putting it out, now it's your turn to run with it and pass it on!


Thanks, happy explorations here as always,

Elizabeth Sammons



Week of June 3


Did you know?


A special needs ball field just opened in Grove city, Mirolo Dream Field at
Mount Carmel.



A Japanese airline  is using iPads to communicate with deaf passengers, both
at the airline check-in counter and on the airplanes. Announcements appear
on iPads that are shown to deaf passengers. See a picture/more at


Recognizing the ability for deaf/blind communication, Gallaudet University's
Tactile Mind presented at the White House this week." This is a network of
scientists, scholars, and community leaders drawn together by a mutual
interest in the movement. The protactile movement is based on the idea that
all human activity can be realized via touch-that hearing and vision are not
necessary for such things as navigation, social interaction, and
communication. Using Protactile  communication, Presenters shared
developments with students, entrepreneurs, educators, policy makers,
government officials, publishers, and researchers.





Webinar and Policy Forum: Barriers and Supports to Employment for State
Vocational Rehabilitation Clients June 9, 12:00-2:30 PM Hear project's
latest findings on how employment barriers, facilitators, and outcomes vary
for clients of state VR agencies. The presentation will also highlight
findings from the new Survey of Disability and Employment, a study of 3,000
individuals who applied for state VR services in 2014. Registration is free
and required.<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=93195286


June 9 2-4PM, get answers to your questions about disability benefits and
other assistance programs from experts at the U.S. Department of Labor and
the Social Security Administration.  Benefits.gov Facebook Q&A: Disability
Benefits <http://links.govdelivery.com:80/track?type=click


June 16 and 17, attend Milestones Autism Spectrum Disorder Conference at
Landerhaven in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. Attendees can receive up to 12.00
clock hours for CRC (Certified Rehabilitation Counselor) credit. For more
information and to register, visit milestones.org
<http://www.milestones.org/> .


Webinar: PEAT Talks - Social Media & Job Recruiting Leveling the "Playing
Fields, "June 16, 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. Learn best accessibility practices for
using popular social media platforms for employee recruitment.  Register


Webinar: Talent Matters: Leveraging Disability-Inclusive Outreach and
Recruitment Strategies June 30, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. This EARN webinar will
address strategies that employers can leverage to build a
disability-inclusive talent pipeline. The panel will specifically focus on
partnering with community-based organizations, and connecting with service
providers that can identify and prepare individuals with disabilities for
specific workforce needs. Register here: 



Birmingham, AL Monday, August 8th, through Wednesday, August 10.
professional development training conference for the Association of Vision
Rehabilitation therapist (AVRT).   This training is specifically designed
for Vision Rehabilitation Therapists. CEU's and CRC available.   

Early-bird rates and registration are available through July 1. Additional
details at  www.avrt.org .





The greater disability community offers some tools and tips recommended to
make summer traveling less stressful. Take a look.


See videos from the Bending the Arc of Exercise Technology Toward People
with Disabilities: RERC RecTech Third State of the Science Conference
Presentations were divided into three themes: (1) Persuasive Exercise
Technologies (2) Health Information Technologies for Monitoring Exercise
(HIT-ME), and (3) Technologies Enabling Community Health (TECH). Videos from
the conference are on YouTube
playlist%3Flist%3DPLlvNhPbF6R_zNHP42IhGy6YK_q_4oZgxs> .


For People with Cancer Who Want to Return to Work, Turn to Your Health Care
Team for Key Information and Support. This week's Research In Focus  >
looks at what health care providers know about how cancer can impact their
patients' work experience and the supports available to make the return to
work easier. http://naric.com/?q=en/rif


The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation    and the National Council on
Disability (NCD)have released Parenting with a Disability: Know Your Rights
Toolkit. The booklet covers issues parents and prospective parents with
disabilities face, including adoption and foster care, reproductive health,
child welfare, family law, and what is required by law from government
services. The toolkit also spotlights what actions have been taken across
the nation to protect the parental rights of people with disabilities.
reeve-assets-production%2FParenting-Booklet-Digital_-Final.pdf>  (PDF). 

The Toolkit is also available in a plain language version
520Language_0.pdf>  (PDF).


About half of those with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder do not realize
they are sick - a condition called anosognosia. Individuals with this
co-occurring disorder really believe that they are being followed by the CIA
or that God is speaking to them through the voices they hear; no reason to
take medication. But why do some people with schizophrenia or bipolar
disorder have anosognosia while other people with the conditions are fully
aware of their illness?



the latest edition of Northern New Jersey Traumatic Brain Injury System
Center newsletter includes articles on marriage after brain injury,
emotional processing deficits, medication education for patients and
caregivers, communication in caregiving relationships, and highlights from
the 2015 TBI Conference. http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=93195286
Newsletter_WEB_sm.pdf>  (PDF), 


See these final rules describing how the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) as well as the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) apply
to employer-sponsored wellness programs offered as part of group health
plans. Specifically, the new rule provides guidance on how such programs can
comply with the ADA and GINA consistent with the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act. Read the press release here:





June 25,  8 am - 5 pm, Language Access: Improving Health and Patient
Experience, OSU Wexner Medical Center Biomedical Research Tower, 460 W 12th
Ave., Columbus. A Unique Opportunity for Interpreters, Health Providers and
Stakeholders to build Synergy for Better Health Outcomes! Early Bird until
May 25th: $65  / After May 25th: $75. Registration Open:


Prevent Blindness Ohio offers this new, online Directory, a list of contact
information for organizations and services that provide financial assistance
for vision care. . Download the Directory here in English: 


And here in Spanish


Maybe you've heard about student loan forgiveness and you're wondering what
it is or if it is really possible. Or maybe you want to find out if you
qualify. This government resource offers many answers.


The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification presents The Art of
Rehabilitation Counseling, , a short video exploring the unique
qualifications and exceptional abilities of rehabilitation counselors.
Rehabilitation counselors also share their stories of success working to
improve the lives of individuals with disabilities.


>From AP and CLEP exams, to Cardiac Medicine Subspeciality and everywhere in
between, check out this mock test app Available at the Apple app store.
Every exam has 25 free study questions with explanatory answers from
experts in the field. Users may purchase hundreds more study questions for
any exam for just a few dollars. The app also unlocks the ability to take
timed quizzes and track test progress over multiple quizzes.



The Center for BrainHealth - Strategic Memory Advanced Reasoning Training
(SMART) is designed to improve performance, mood and strategic thinking in
people with traumatic brain injury. It enhances mental productivity by
teaching people to focus on "big picture" creative thinking.






Elizabeth L. Sammons

Program Administrator

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Agency

Tel. 614.438.1260



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