[Ohio-talk] information that you need with reminders

richard rchpay7 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 08:35:20 UTC 2016

I wanted to get the reminders out so you could go build the federation. 

CRYSTAL agreed to help with this here is what she said so please work on
President Payne has asked me to post some information about a fundraiser we
are having at the state Convention.  The affiliate is asking that each
chapter put together a "basket" for an auction during the banquet.  A
chapter could donate a single item or a basket full to be auctioned.  Be
creative, the value can vary $20 and up as high as you want.  It could be
and OSU flag, tickets to a concert or a Browns Game, a Christmas wreath,
candy from your local chocolate shop. It could be a basket full of bath and
body works or a thirty-one bag. The choices are endless. If you have gift
certificates to a restaurant it might be helpful to make it a chain so it
would appeal to more buyers. I f you would bid on it hopefully others will
as well. This fund raiser is not just for chapters. Individuals who have an
item or basket of items are also encouraged to donate them.  Start getting
your ideas together and look for more information soon.  Thanks for all your

 You can make your room reservations now for the state convention by using
the following information.   Doubletree by Hilton Hotel
6200 Quarry Lane, Independence, Ohio 44131
(216) 447-1300 the room rate is good until October 21 so get your
reservation taken care of. 
Chapter and Division Presidents, please pay attention to the following
information. If you want to be a part of the Gavel Award Competition, or if
you want to nominate someone for an award, you must have your material to
Shelbi Hindel by October 9, shelbiah1 at gmail.com <mailto:shelbiah1 at gmail.com>
If you decide not to submit a report for the competition, You must still
submit a report due one week before the convention November 4/2016. Chapter
and division reports, membership lists, and dues must all be in by then
after that time any one or all of these items are considered late and the
offending chapter or division is subject to a fine of $25. 
Shelbi also needs to know who will represent your chapter on the nominating
committee. The members of this committee are appointed by chapter
presidents. The president of the affiliate selects the chair from among the
members. Please let Shelby know who will represent your chapter as soon as
possible. shelbiah1 at gmail.com <mailto:shelbiah1 at gmail.com>
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio - 2016 Convention 
DoubleTree Independence
6200 Quarry Lane, Independence, Ohio 44131 - (216) 447-1300
November 11-13, 2016

Pre-Registration Form and Payment Instructions

We are accepting pre-registration for the 2016 NFBO Convention through Nov.
1. Follow the instructions as indicated below to register for our 70th
anniversary convention and purchase your banquet ticket. Convention
attendees may also purchase a boxed lunch and join one of the scheduled
meetings by selecting from the options listed below. Email the completed
form to rchpay7 at gmail.com and mail a check made payable to NFB of Ohio, to
6922 Murray Ridge Rd, Elyria, OH 44035. Be sure to place "Convention
Registration" on the memo line. You can also register online and pay by
credit card by using the link http://nfbohio.org/new/registration/.

Convention Attendee Information
Email	:                              
Cell Phone:                     
Home Phone:                   
Work Phone:                    

Please answer Yes or No to the next two questions
Is this your first NFBO convention?           
Would you like a Braille copy of the agenda?          

Convention Tickets
				Item Amount
2016 NFBO Convention Pre-Registration Ticket - $15.00			$

Note: Registration after Nov. 1 is $20.00.

2016 NFBO Banquet Ticket - Sat., Nov. 12 - $35.00
Note: Banquet Ticket price after Nov. 1 is $40.00.

If attending the banquet, please indicate a meal preference by choosing one
of two options listed below.
Choose one - place an X in the space next to your meal preference.

Ohio Association to promote the use of Braille 
Breakfast - Sat., Nov. 12 - $18.00

Boxed Lunch - Sat. Nov 12 - select one of the 3 options listed below.

Ohio Organization of Blind Seniors Meeting - $18.00
Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users Meeting - $18.00			$

Other - To-Go Lunch - $18.00

If Box Lunch is selected, please indicate your meal preference from the list

Choose 1- please an X in the space next to your meal preference

Italian Sub	            
Grilled Chicken Caesar Wrap            
Vegetarian Wrap             

Total Due

Convention registration and meal orders are not valid unless payment is
received. Email the completed form to rchpay7 at gmail.com and mail a check
made payable to NFB of Ohio, to 6922 Murray Ridge Rd, Elyria, OH 44035. Be
sure to place "Convention  Registration" on the memo line.

I wish to make a donation (always appreciated) of $         to the National
Federation of the Blind of Ohio. My check with the memo line "Donation" has
been sent to the Murray Ridge Rd. address

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