[Ohio-talk] Fwd: [AERNet] AFB Research Navigator on Voters and Voting with Vision Loss

Marianne Denning marianne at denningweb.com
Wed Sep 28 12:14:22 UTC 2016

I thought some members may be interested in this information. AFB is
working to gather information about people who are blind and have low
vision. The government has only recently begun gathering information about
people with disabilities. This one is about voting patterns of blind people.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Richert <4justice at concentric.net>
Date: Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 4:51 PM
Subject: [AERNet] AFB Research Navigator on Voters and Voting with Vision
To: aernet at lists.aerbvi.org

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[image: American Foundation for the Blind logo: Expanding possibilities]

Read this edition of the *Research Navigator* online at the following link:

*Today, September 27, is National Voter Registration Day! *As we approach
the end of a very long campaign season and look towards Election Day in
November, this edition of the *Navigator* will investigate what is known
about voter registration and the voting habits of people with vision loss.
We'll look into:

   - What has been the history of voting rights for people with
   disabilities in and outside the U.S.? <#m_-7882766448133115628_History>
   - What is the potential size of the voting population of people with
   visual impairments? How does this vary by state? Are people with vision
   loss more or less likely to vote? <#m_-7882766448133115628_HowMany>
   - What barriers to voting are experienced by people with visual
   impairments? <#m_-7882766448133115628_barrier>
   - What accommodations are guaranteed by law to support independent,
   accessible voting, and what can you do if you experience a problem
   registering to vote or voting? <#m_-7882766448133115628_HelpVote>

*About This Series*Welcome to the eighth edition of AFB's *Research
Navigator*. This is a quarterly series - accompanying AFB's *DirectConnect*
newsletter - from the AFB Public Policy Center. The purpose of this series
is to keep you informed of user-friendly facts and figures and the latest
research pertaining to people with vision loss. The series will also
include the necessary background information so you may use the information
most accurately. Have an idea for a *Research Navigator* topic? Want to
know more about a particular statistic or line of research? Send your
thoughts to AFB's Senior Policy Researcher, Rebecca Sheffield.
Email Rebecca at rsheffield at afb.net.

Readers are also encouraged to check out AFB's Statistical Snapshots online
at the following link: http://www.afb.org/stats
This webpage is regularly updated with a wide variety of information and
tools that address commonly asked questions about people with vision loss.

*A Global and Historical Introduction to the Topic*According to the
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (last
updated 2010), all but four countries in the world have some sort of system
for electing government representatives at the national level.
Read the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
list of international voting systems at the following link:

Since the enactment of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities - which emphasizes full and equal participation
of people with disabilities in elections - people who are blind or visually
impaired around the world have become increasingly involved and engaged
participants in civil society.

The right to vote in the United States has been around as long as Article 1
of the U.S. Constitution and is mentioned in four separate Constitutional
amendments (15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th). While there is not a particular
Constitutional amendment about voting rights for people with disabilities,
the Voting Rights Act of 1965 allowed for people with disabilities to
receive assistance "by a person of the voter's choice," provided that the
person with a disability could not choose his/her boss or union agent as a
voting assistant. In 1984, the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and
Handicapped Act was enacted, mandating that older people and people with
disabilities have access to polling places while also prompting the
development of accessible voter registration sites. The 1993 National Voter
Registration Act required state agencies for people with disabilities to
provide voter registration services for people with disabilities, and in
1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed, Title II of
which requires polling and voter registration places to be accessible and
emphasizes the right of all people full to and equal voting opportunities.
Furthermore, since 2002, the Help America Vote Act has set minimum
standards for the accessibility of federal voting systems to people with
visual impairments and other disabilities. For more information, the
Department of Justice provides a thorough discussion of laws related to
voting rights for persons with disabilities at the following link:

The impact of disability voting laws continues to evolve through law suits
and court decisions, such as the 2016 law suit by the U.S. Department of
Justice against Harris County, Texas, alleging structural barriers
preventing people who use wheel chairs from accessing polling sites. Also
in 2016, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) and Disability Rights
Ohio won a lawsuit against the Secretary of State of Ohio, finding that
Ohio's practice of only providing absentee ballots in print violated the
ADA's guarantee of equal voting opportunity. NFB, the American Civil
Liberties Union, and Disability Rights Advocates brought suit earlier this
year against the New York State Board of Elections and Department of Motor
Vehicles alleging inaccessibility of online voter registration. Visit the
following links to read about these cases:

   - Harris County, Texas, link: https://www.texastribune.org/
   2016/08/04/harris-county-violated-disability-law- polling-plac/
   - Ohio, link: https://thinkprogress.org/federal-judge-ohios-absentee-voting-
   - New York, link:

*Numbers: How many voters are we talking about?*Given that the United
States has only relatively recently focused on equal voting rights for
people with disabilities, and seeing that the courts continue to work out
the enforcement and interpretation of these protections, what do we know
about the rates at which people with vision loss are actually registering
and turning out to vote?

Schur & Krus (2016) <#m_-7882766448133115628_schur16> from Rutgers
University recently released a report projecting the number of eligible
voters with disabilities. They based their data on Census Bureau population
projections as well as disability data from the American Community Survey.
Read a brief description of the American Community Survey from AFB's
Statistical Snapshots at the following link: http://www.afb.org/info/

Schur and Krus' report has received considerable media attention including
stories from *USA Today* and New York's *Times Union*.
Read the *USA Today* article at the following link:
Read the *Times Union* article at the following link:
voters-strength-in-numbers-brings- 9204295.php

Some key findings include:

   - The authors estimate that there will be 35.4 million eligible voters
   with disabilities in November, 2016 - that's nearly one in six eligible
   - This estimated total number of voters with disabilities is an increase
   of 10.8% over 2008, while the population of eligible voters without
   disabilities has only increased 8.5%
   - More than 25% of the electorate in November will either have a
   disability or have a household member with a disability.
   - A projected 6.3 million eligible voters will have visual impairments!
   This number was 5.9 million in 2008 and 5.7 million in 2012.

Although it seems natural to assume that these projections and increases
are related to the aging population, we should not overlook that there will
actually be more eligible voters with disabilities under age 65 than over
age 65.

Just a few days ago (September 22), the Pew Research Center released
another report about voters with disabilities (Igielnik, 2016
<#m_-7882766448133115628_igielnik>). Instead of working with Census data,
the Pew Center conducted their own survey titled the *American Trends Panel*.
They found that 22% of Americans self- report living with a disability;
however, it should be noted that this survey was conducted via the internet
and the mail and thus might underrepresent people with vision loss.

*Voter Interest & Voter Registration*According to both Schur, Adya, and
Kruse (2013) <#m_-7882766448133115628_schur13> and the Pew Research
Center (Igielnik,
2016 <#m_-7882766448133115628_igielnik>), people with disabilities report
being more likely than people without disabilities to be interested in the
election or involved in politics. This makes sense - policies and
government officials can have a huge impact on the lives of people with
disabilities! Pew Center research (Igielnik, 2016
<#m_-7882766448133115628_igielnik>) suggested that the overlap between
aging and disability contributes to the the higher rates of political
interest among people with disabilities. People with disabilities are, on
average, older than people without disabilities, and older people tend to
follow political issues more closely than younger people. Additionally,
people with disabilities are less likely to report missing voter
registration deadlines or not being eligible to vote (Schur, Adya, & Kruse

*Rocking the Vote*Do voters with vision loss favor different candidates and
policies than other voters? The answer is not completely clear. The Pew
Research Center (Igielnik, 2016 <#m_-7882766448133115628_igielnik>) found
that the political preferences of people with disabilities are similar to
those of the general public, and this similarity holds true if we consider
just those people with and without disabilities who are actually registered
voters. The Pew researchers found that 42% of people with disabilities lean
Republican (43% of people without disabilities), and 50% of people with
disabilities lean Democratic (52% of people without disabilities). As of
the time of the Pew Center's survey (August-September, 2016), 40% of people
with disabilities said they would vote for Donald Trump (38% of people
without disabilities), and 47% of people with disabilities said they would
vote for Hillary Clinton (45% of people without disabilities). People with
disabilities were less likely to report a preference for one of the
third-party candidates. It is important to note that the Pew Center did not
report margins of error for these data. Also, these data have not been
reported specifically for people with vision loss, nor have researchers
looked into potential state and regional variations (where smaller
differences in voter trends can have larger impacts).

*Barriers to Registration*Research from the Pew Center suggests that there
is little difference in voter registration rates between people with and
without disabilities (80% of people with disabilities report being
registered vs. 84% of people without disabilities). Surprisingly, Schur,
Adya, and Kruse (2013) <#m_-7882766448133115628_schur13> found that almost
a quarter of people with disabilities who were not registered to vote cited
their disability as the reason for not being registered! While there are
certain rare and controversial legal circumstances where state laws allow a
judge to determine that a person with a mental/developmental disability is
unable to vote - readthe Bazelon Center's document *State Laws Affecting
the Voting Rights of People with Mental Disabilities *- a disability in
itself should not be a legal impediment to voting.
Read the Bazelon Center's report (PDF) at the following link:
http://www.bazelon.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=-Hs7F_Ohfgg %3D&tabid=543

*What about voter turnout?*Turnout this year will depend on many factors
including get-out-the-vote efforts as well as barriers and accessibility
concerns. In their most recent report, Schur & Krus
<#m_-7882766448133115628_schur13> reported that voter turnout in 2012 was
5.7% lower for people with disabilities than for people without
disabilities. Looking deeper, these researchers analyzed results from their
own survey as well as the Census Bureau's November 2012 voter supplement
(part of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey fielded
during November following each national election).
Read a breif description of the Current Population Survey from AFB's
Statistical Snapshots site at the following link: http://www.afb.org/info/

They found:

   - For people with vision difficulty (Census Bureau's definition - "blind
   or serious trouble seeing even when wearing glasses or contacts"), 57% of
   eligible voters voted in 2008, 40% in 2010, and 57% in 2012. For voters
   without disabilities, the rates were 65% in 2008, 46% in 2010, and 63% in
   2012. Thus, if people with vision loss had voted at the same rate as people
   without visual impairments in 2012, they would have increased voter turnout
   by over 200,000 people! That's a lot of people when you consider that the
   Presidential vote in Florida was decided by fewer than 75,000 votes!
   - Employment levels the playing field. People who are employed are
   equally likely to vote, whether or not they have a disability.
   - Voter registration for people with disabilities is somewhat lower than
   for people without disabilities - and if you aren't registered, you can't
   vote! (However, this only explains part of the lower turnout for voters
   with disabilities).
   - More than one in four voters with disabilities chose to vote absentee
   or by mail in 2012 (the rate for people without disabilities is closer to
   one in six). Looking specifically at voters with visual impairment, 27%
   voted by mail, and 15% voted early in 2012.

Although it would be very helpful to know the variations in voter turnout
by state for people with vision loss, the fact that the voter turnout data
is based on a single monthly issuance of the Census Bureau's Current
Population Survey
means that the sample size is much too small to make reliable estimates
about state voting rates for a small sub-population. However, estimates are
a bit stronger when we look at the entire population of people with
disabilities. Schur, Adya, & Kruse (2013) <#m_-7882766448133115628_schur13>

   - Relative to the turnout rate for voters without disabilities, Delaware
   had the strongest turnout rate for people with disabilities: 71% for people
   with disabilities versus 67% for people without. Alaska, Florida, Nebraska,
   Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming also saw higher voter
   turnout for people with disabilities than for people without disabilities.
   - The lowest turnout rate for voters with disabilities versus voters
   without was in Maine (where the voting rate was 15% lower for people with
   disabilities than people without). Connecticut, Kentucky, Massachusetts,
   Missouri, New Hampshire, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. all had
   double-digit gaps in the difference in turnout percentages for people with
   and without disabilities.
   - In sheer percentage turnout for people with disabilities, Delaware
   lead the way with 71% turnout, and West Virginia was furthest behind with
   only 43% turnout.

*Barriers to Voting*Schur, Adya, & Kruse (2013)
<#m_-7882766448133115628_schur13> found that people with disabilities were
35% more likely than people without to report that illness or disability
(their own or a family member's) kept them from voting. Transportation was
another barrier, with people with disabilities 3% more likely to report
being kept from the polls by transportation problems. However, people with
disabilities were 17% less likely to report being too busy, 7% less likely
to be out of town or away from home and unable to vote, and 2% less likely
to report forgetting to vote.

According to Schur, Adya, & Kruse (2013) <#m_-7882766448133115628_schur13>,
at the polling place, difficulty reading or seeing the ballot was the most
reported concern by with disabilities - regardless of the type of
disability. Among people with visual impairments, 22% said that they had
difficulty reading or seeing the ballot. Additionally, 15% had difficulty
understanding how to vote or use the voting equipment, and 11% had
difficulty finding or getting to the polling place. Also significant, 3% of
people with visual impairments had difficulty getting inside their polling
place, and 3% had difficulty writing on the ballot. In all, 44% of people
with vision loss reported some difficulty in the polling place;
nevertheless, 72% found voting to be "very easy" (by comparison, 86% of
voters without disabilities reported that voting was very easy.)

In the voting booth, 30% of people with disabilities needed assistance,
most often from an election official (42%) or family member (42%). Seven
percent of people with disabilities used assistive devices, with an
enlarged display being most common (58%) followed by a magnifier or visual
aid (33%). On three out of four occasions, the voters found that the
devices they needed were set up and ready to go at their polling station,
and 97% of the time the election officials knew how to set up and use the

In their preference for where to vote in the future, voters with visual
impairments were more likely than people with disabilities in general and
just as likely as people without disabilities to prefer to vote in person
at their polling place (68% for people with visual impairment; 68% for
people without disability, versus 58% for people with disabilities in
general) (Schur, Adya, & Kruse, 2013 <#m_-7882766448133115628_schur13>).
Voters with vision loss were less likely than people without disabilities
to prefer voting online.

*Let's Go Vote!**VisionAware* blogger DeAnna Quietwater Noriega wrote
"Democracy isn't simple or easy. We can use our power at the polls to elect
people we believe will represent our values... If we opt out of
participating, then others who may hold opinions different from ours will
decide outcomes. Living in a democracy means taking our responsibilities
seriously to be an active part of the process." Be sure to read DeAnna's
heartfelt blog post on *VisionAware* at the following link:

Equipped with the knowledge of laws and the potential impact of voters in
the disability community (which outnumbers eligible African American voters
and eligible Latino voters), people with vision loss can have the greatest
impact when everyone takes action, registers, and votes - whether voting
early, absentee, or on Election Day, November 8th!

One easy place to get registered is at the following link:
- which includes options for registering, verifying your registration, and
requesting an absentee ballot. Another good way to verify your voter
registration is to call your state's Secretary of State's office (you can
also call this office to request an application by mail or to ask
voting-related questions).

The Help America Vote Act instituted Protection and Advocacy for Voter
Access efforts (PAVAs) in every state. A PAVA:

   - "Educates voters, election workers, and other persons involved in the
   voting process about the rights of people with disabilities.
   - Provides information to people with disabilities about voter
   registration and the chance to register to vote.
   - Provides advice about access to polling places on Election Day.
   - Works with groups representing people with disabilities and other
   organizations in registering voters and surveying polling places for
   - Represents/advocates for individuals with disabilities who have
   complaints about the voting process" (AAPD, 2016

Find out more by contacting the Protection and Advocacy agency in your
state at the following link: http://www.ndrn.org/en/ndrn-member-

The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) has organized
the "REV UP" (Register, Educate, Vote, and Use your Power) effort to get
out the vote among people with disabilities. Their website, which provides
helpful links for national and state resources, can be accessed at the
following link: http://www.aapd.com/our-focus/voting/

The REV UP toolkit (which can be customized by state) includes the
following reminders of voting rights and accommodations:

*When registering to vote, it is good to know:*

   - Check voter registration and voting requirements and deadlines for
   your state at the following link from USA.gov:
   - Offices that have voter registration forms must also offer to help you
   complete the forms, unless you refuse assistance
   - Political parties, activist groups, and private citizens can give out
   application forms. If they do, they must help you register, too, whether or
   not you agree with their politics or point of view.
   - If an agency is providing you with services in your home, and if they
   offer voter registration services, they must provide those voter
   registration services at your home.
   - If you reside somewhere else that is not in the same county as your
   permanent address, you can register to vote by mail in the county where
   your permanent address is. Then you can vote with an absentee ballot.

*In any election for a federal office, you have the right:*

   - to vote privately and independently.
   - to get help from a person of your choice or an election worker, except
   that you cannot be assisted by an agent of your employer or union or a
   candidate for office.
   - to a physically accessible polling place, including accessible parking
   and the use of an accessible voting machine.
   - to have sample ballots in alternative format.
   - to go back and make corrections if you make a mistake before
   submitting your ballot.

In some states - like Virginia - early in-person voting is only available
to people who meet certain qualifying criteria. Often, having a disability
is a qualifying rationale for voting early. This option could save you lots
of time! In some cases, you can even register to vote and vote early, all
in one visit! Check with your local election office for more details.

*If you vote using an absentee ballot:*

   - You have a right to an accessible ballot.
   - Be sure to verify that you have requested your ballot before your
   state's deadline.
   - Be sure to verify that you have returned your ballot on time and
   following the instructions.

*If voting in person (early or on election day), you might want to bring:*

   - headphones to hear your ballot,
   - photo identification (check the laws for your state),
   - a hand-held magnifier (if you typically use one), and/or
   - a trusted sighted assistant (if you prefer to vote with assistance).

Curious about voting with an accessible machine? Read about *VisionAware*
blogger Empish Thomas' first voting experience with an accessible voting
machine at the following link: http://www.visionaware.org/
(spoiler alert - getting access to the machine first required a lot of

*If you experience a problem at the polls:*

   - Talk to the head election judge. If he/she cannot fix it, ask him/her
   to contact a city/county election official. If that doesn't work, call
   866-OUR-VOTE (a voter helpline service from the nonpartisan Election
   Protection Coalition). Spanish- speaking/bilingual voters may wish to call
   888-Ve-Y-Vota, and Asian language speaking voters can call 888-API-VOTE.
   - If your complaint is not resolved, file a written complaint before
   leaving your polling place.
   - You may also submit a complaint to the Department of Justice Voting
      - By email to voting.section at usdoj.gov
      - By telephone at (800) 253-3931 (toll free), or (202) 307-2767
      - By fax at (202) 307-3961
      - By complaint form at the following link:
      - By letter to this address:
      - Civil Rights Division
      - U.S. Department of Justice
      - Room 7254 - NWB
      - 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
      - Washington, DC 20530

One final thought as you head off to the polls: Noted disability rights
advocate Justin Dart once said, "Vote like your life depends on it -
because it does!" At AFB, we want to encourage you to exercise this
valuable right, no matter who you vote for. We wish you the best of luck!
Here's hoping that in 2016, voter participation rates for people with
vision loss are through the roof, evidence of our community's passion,
power, and participation!

Want to tell us about your voting experience? Send an email to
visionaware at afb.net

Please subscribe to the *DirectConnect Newsletter* to stay informed about
the new National Agenda on Vision and Aging (as well as to receive the
quarterly *Navigator* and other important updates from the AFB Policy
Center). To subscribe, go to http://www.afb.org/myafb.aspx
and login in (if you have logged in before) or follow the link to "become a
member" to create a newsletter account. Once you have an account and are
logged in, follow the link to "Newsletters," check the box next to AFB
DirectConnect, and click submit!

*References*American Association of People with Disabilities [AAPD].
(2016). *REV UP toolkit - Template (word)*. Retrieved from

Igielnik, R. (2016, September 22). A political profile of disabled
Americans. *Election 2016.* Retrieved from http://www.pewresearch.org

Schur, L., Adya, M., & Kruse, D. (2013, July 18). *Disability, voter
turnout, and voting difficulties in the 2012 elections*. Retrieved from

Schur, L. & Kruse, D. (2016, August 12). *Projecting the number of eligible
voters with disabilities in the November 2016 elections* . Retrieved from

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Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
(513) 607-6053

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