[Ohio-talk] Louis Braille

marianne marianne at denningweb.com
Thu Jan 5 02:44:45 UTC 2017

Good evening. Today we celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Louis
Braille. He was born over 200 years and lived a relatively short life but
during his life he developed the braille system. Braille in the U.S. has
changed over the time it has been used but it is more relevant today than
ever. I believe that technology has put braille at the fingertips of more
people than ever before. Please share a braille story if you have one. I
will begin.


Braille has been an important part of my life since I was 11 years old. I
read to gain knowledge and for pleasure. I don't believe I would have been
successful in my career without braille. It is not a last resort for people
who are totally blind but should be taught to almost all children who are
legally blind. It should also be encouraged for adults who have lost a
significant amount of vision. Please spread the word that Braille is


Marianne Denning, TVI, MS


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