[Ohio-talk] Fwd: Blind Spot: A Matter of Perception Exhibition at Massillon Museum

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Jan 18 22:42:50 UTC 2017

>Dear Mr. Andrews,
>The Massillon Museum is honored to share 
>information about the upcoming exhibition, 
>Blind Spot: A Matter of Perception, which will 
>be on view at the Massillon Museum in Massillon, 
>Ohio, from February 18 to May 23, 
>2017.  Attached to this email please find a 
>digital media kit for the exhibition. Â
>For more information about the exhibition and 
>its related programming, please contact Curator 
>Heather Haden via email 
>(<mailto:hhaden at massillonmuseum.org>hhaden at massillonmuseum.org) 
>or phone (330-833-4061 x 112).Â
>The Blind Spot: A Matter of Perception Project Team
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