[Ohio-talk] [Jobs] FW: Accessibility engineering roles at Uber

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 20:08:19 UTC 2017

There are many employment opportunities that are coming into the Employment Committee every day.  If you are seeking or know of a blind person who is looking for great opportunities, please pass it on that the NFB Employment Committee is making every effort to push for competitive employment for you and them.







From: Malcom Glenn [mailto:mglenn at uber.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 11:39 AM
To: Malcom Glenn
Subject: Accessibility engineering roles at Uber


Hi everyone,


I'm sure you all saw this week that Travis resigned as CEO. I've heard from a few folks with questions about what his departure means for a couple of issue areas, including our accessibility team. I just wanted to let you all know that we're continuing to move forward on improving the accessibility of our product, whether that's the app accessibility, communicating with drivers to ensure they do the right thing, or continuing to work to expand our offerings for wheelchair-accessible vehicles.


Another component that will continue to be a priority will be making sure we have the best employees internally helping push forward all this important work. With that in mind, we've recently begun the search for a senior hire to lead our cross-functional accessibility work as well as multiple mobile and web accessibility engineers. We are also looking to hire a program manager for our autonomous vehicle accessibility program. Click below for the job descriptions (all based in SF):


 <https://www.uber.com/careers/list/31582/> Head of Product - Accessibility

 <https://www.uber.com/careers/list/31736/> Android Engineer - Mobile Accessibility 

 <https://www.uber.com/careers/list/31735/> iOS Engineer - Mobile Accessibility 

Software Engineer - Web Accessibility <https://www.uber.com/careers/list/30347/> 


If you know folks whose experience you think might be a good match for these roles, please let me know and I connect them to the right people internally. And thank you as always for all the great work you're doing!




Malcom Glenn

Uber Public Policy

mglenn at uber.com <mailto:mglenn at uber.com> 


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