[Ohio-talk] Corrected 2019 NFB of Ohio Committees

Richard Payne rchpay7 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 03:10:27 UTC 2018

I sent this to myself and the information did not include the corrections so
forgive me and use this information.
You will find the 2019 NFB of Ohio Committee appointments in the body of
this email and attached. The first name is the chair of each committee.

Charge: To oversee the awards process, to provide information and feedback
when necessary, and to make reasonable judgments about NFBO awards.
Heather Leiterman 
Ali Benmerzouga
emily Pennington
Jerry Purcell
Annette Luts

Bell Academy
Charge: To organize the bell program and plan efficient ways to promote and
execute this very important academy. The members of this committee will be
screened because of the type of program it is, which is dealing directly
with kids.
Eric Duffy
Debbie Baker
Michael Leiterman
Marianne Denning
Sherri Albers
Barbara Pierce 
The chair of this committee can recruit whomever he needs to in order to put
this program on.

Charge: To make sure that all NFBO constitutions are following the state and
national constitutions, both philosophically and rhetorically.
Colleen Roth
Barbara Pierce 

CONVENTION Planning Committee
Charge: To assist and advise the president in the planning and functioning
of our state convention and to provide additional assistance in planning and
executing affiliate activities at national conventions. 

Sherri Albers
Annette Luts
Suzanne Hartfield-Turner,
Andra Stover
Cassandra Jones
Sheila Hardy-Wilson
Dorothea Davis
Jessica Stover

Charge: To advise the president about policies, legislation, strategies, and
initiatives in which the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio should be
engaged to improve educational opportunities for blind youth throughout the

Debby Baker
Sandy Krems
Ali Benmerzouga  

coordinator, PAC coordinator,
Charge: To make members aware of these specific organizational fundraising
opportunities and to implement strategies to increase participation threw
out the year. 

Suzanne Hartfield-Turner,
Sherri Ruth
Colleen Roth

Charge: To investigate additional opportunities to increase NFB-O resources
and to implement effective fundraising strategies and programming. 

Deanna Lewis
Cassandra Jones
Angela Maddox  
Gloria Robinson  
Lucas Cassi,

Charge: To increase the organization's visibility and effectiveness in the
state legislature and to continue to support our efforts in Washington
throughout the year. 
co-chairs Sheri Albers and Mike Literman
Heather Leiterman 
Suzanne Hartfield-Turner,
Eric Duffy
Andra Stover
Barbara Pierce 
Ali Benmerzouga

Charge: To implement effective strategies to recruit and retain members and
to reinvigorate the chapters and divisions of the NFB of Ohio. 
Co-chairs Suzanne Turner and Carolyn Peters
Annette Luts
Dorothea Davis
Beverly Harris
Gloria Robinson

Charge: To promote and publicize the programs and events of the NFB of Ohio
and to acquire as much positive publicity as possible for such activities. 
Dave Bertch 
Walter Mitchell
Ali Benmerzouga

Charge: To oversee the submission process and to write and distribute
clearly articulated and philosophically sound resolutions. 

Barbara Pierce 
Eric Duffy
Robert Spangler
Debbie Baker
Michael Leiterman

Charge: To conduct the affiliate scholarship program and to develop and
implement effective strategies to increase the visibility of the program and
increase participation. 

Emily Pennington
Heather Leiterman 
Michael Leiterman
Cassandra Jones

Web site and NEWSLINE committee
Charge: To assist with updating the content on the web page and Newsline
including advertising and promoting. The members who desire to be a part of
this committee must be very good computer users.
Robert Spangler
Dave Bertch
Walter Mitchell
Sherri Albers
Cheryl Fisher

Special project committee
Charge: To assist with corporate donations and to help find ways to fund the
special projects and work of the affiliate. To assist where ever we have the
Eric Duffy
Michael Leiterman
Sheri Albers

transportation committee
Charge: To help the affiliate oversee some of the issues around the state
dealing with transportation.
Annette Luts
Michael Leiterman
Eric Duffy

Vehicle donation committee:
Charge: To get more cars donated from Ohio
Owen McCafferty
Larry Rodriguez

domestic violence committee: Charge To develop relationships with the
domestic violence agencies in Ohio.
Cheryl E. Fields
Ahkeela Cade
Gloria Robinson
Gerron Chapman

Community Service Committee:
 This committee will educate the Ohio Affiliate about the professional and
personal benefits of 
community service.

Encourage chapters, divisions and individuals to participate in projects in
their communities.
Encourage members to identify or develop and implement their own service

Enlighten the public about NFB Philosophy and the skills and knowledge we
have obtained, as we serve in the community.

This committee will also encourage members to connect with the NFB Community
Service Division for inspiration and support.

Cheryl E. Fields
Rachelle Broomfield
Kiana hill
Amy Bonano
Wanda Sloan
William Turner
Gloria Robinson
Lillie Pennington
Janine Pickens  
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2019 NFB of Ohio Committee

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