[Ohio-talk] Piggest Raffle Ever

lucas.cassi1 at gmail.com lucas.cassi1 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 03:36:11 UTC 2018

Hello Federation,


What would you do with $10,000? You have a chance to win with each five
dollars you spend on raffle tickets for the event, The Piggest Raffle Ever!
That's right, for each ticket you buy you have a chance to win $10,000 and
all proceeds collected in ticket sales goes to the nonprofit of your choice.
Be sure to select The National Federation of The Blind of Ohio before
purchasing your tickets! You do not have to be at the event to win. Click
here  <http://flyingpigmarathon.com/get-involved-2/piggest-raffle-ever/>  to
purchase your tickets and please share this link with friends and family.
This is a great fundraiser that we do each year. Good luck!





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