[Ohio-talk] Inaccessible Devices Made By Uninformed, Yet Well-intentioned Inventors

milenacleve at roadrunner.com milenacleve at roadrunner.com
Sun Jun 24 04:08:50 UTC 2018

Hi Deborah,

No, you're not ranting.  It's true, Braille signs on bathroom doors are placed way up high, as I've seen at Sbarro's Pizza or a Braille sign at our downtown public library that doesn't even tell you that that's a restroom.  It's just marked as Room 205.  How would anyone know whether Room 205 is a men's or women's bathroom?  I can name you some more examples, but I don't think you want to hear my rantings and ravings.

With regard to technology, I will continue to post any items or announcements that might be of interest to list readers.

I would like to read your article on inaccessible devices produced by well-intended, yet insufficiently-informed inventors.  Can you send me the link?

All the Best,

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