[Ohio-Talk] FW: [Colorado-Talk] G Suite Update: Turning off less secure app access to G Suite accounts

info at onhconsulting.com info at onhconsulting.com
Tue Dec 17 18:24:53 UTC 2019

Hello all. This is another forward from the Colorado Affiliate Listserv
(Don't ask me why these emails aren't being posted to Ohio-Talk(. This
should be of real concern to those using Gmail, particularly if they are
using Outlook under Office 2016 or earlier to access their email. 


Very Best,




From: Colorado-Talk <colorado-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Curtis
Chong via Colorado-Talk
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 1:13 PM
To: colorado-talk at nfbnet.org
Cc: Curtis Chong <chong.curtis at gmail.com>
Subject: [Colorado-Talk] G Suite Update: Turning off less secure app access
to G Suite accounts




Many of us use the Gmail service to send and receive amil, and we also might
be using our iPhones or Windows computers to read and write emails. Hence,
the following information should be of concern to all of us.


Under date of December 16, 2019, Google has released a blog post with the
subject " G Suite Update: Turning off less secure app access to G Suite
accounts." Broadly speaking, this blog post announces changes which will
have an impact on users of email clients such as Outlook or iOS Mail who,
historically, may have had to turn on "Allow Less Secure Apps" to connect
Gmail accounts to these email clients.


First, here is the link to the blog post.




There is a lot of detail in this post, but here are some of the more
significant excerpts:


.           Starting in June 2020, we'll limit the ability for less secure
apps (LSAs) to access G Suite account data. LSAs are non-Google apps that
can access your Google account with only a username and password.

.           After June 15, 2020 - Users who try to connect to an LSA for the
first time will no longer be able to do so. This includes third-party apps
that allow password-only access to Google calendars, contacts, and email via
protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV, IMAP, and Exchange ActiveSync (Google
Sync). Users who have connected to LSAs prior to this date will be able to
continue using them until usage of all LSAs is turned off.

.           After February 15, 2021 - Access to LSAs will be turned off for
all G Suite accounts.

.           .when LSA access is discontinued after February 15, 2021, you
will begin receiving an error message that your username-password
combination is incorrect.

.           If you are using stand-alone Outlook 2016 or earlier, you can
use G Suite Sync for Microsoft Outlook. Alternatively, move to Office 365 (a
web-based version of Outlook) or Outlook 2019, both of which support OAuth
<https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2>  access.

.           If you are using Thunderbird or another email client, re-add
your Google Account and configure it to use IMAP with OAuth.

.           If you are using the mail app on iOS or MacOS, or Outlook for
Mac, and use only a password to login, you'll need to remove and re-add your
account. When you add it back, make sure to choose Google as the account
type to automatically use OAuth.


This is all the information I have at this point. Happy reading.




Curtis Chong



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