[Ohio-Talk] Summer Edition of the Palmetto Blind

Steve & Shannon Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Sun Jul 5 16:00:14 UTC 2020



From: Steve & Shannon Cook <cookcafe at sc.rr.com> 
Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2020 11:59 AM
To: 'NFB of South Carolina Mailing List' <nfbofsc at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Summer Edition of the Palmetto Blind


The Palmetto Blind

The voice of the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina



Picture Caption:

Five Decades of NFB of SC Statewide Seminars - Informative and Energetic!


          The PALMETTO BLIND, published twice a year in large print, in
digital format, email and Braille by the National Federation of the Blind of
South Carolina.  David Houck, Editor.  The National Federation of the Blind
of South Carolina is chartered under the laws of the state of South Carolina
to promote the spiritual, social and economic well-being of all blind South
Carolinians.  The state organization is an affiliate of the nation's oldest
and largest organization of the blind--the National Federation of the Blind.

          The PALMETTO BLIND is the voice of the National Federation of the
Blind of South Carolina and is available free of charge to any blind
individual or member in large print, Braille online, or text email format.
Other subscribers are encouraged.  If readers desire to do so, donations to
cover the annual subscription cost of $10.00 per year may be made payable to
the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina and sent to:  Valerie
Warrington, Treasurer, National Federation of the Blind of SC, 119 S.
Kilbourne Rd., Columbia, SC 29205.  Upon request, we can email a color photo
version in a pdf format.  This version is not useful to adaptive technology
like JAWS or Guide.  Braille or large print copies may be retained for
personal libraries.

Giving A Dream - One of the great satisfactions in life is having the
opportunity to assist others.  Consider making a gift to the National
Federation of the Blind of South Carolina to continue turning our dreams
into reality.  A gift to the NFB of SC is not merely a donation to an
organization; it provides resources that will directly ensure a brighter
future for all blind people.

Seize the Future - The National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina
has special giving opportunities that will benefit the giver as well as the
NFB of SC.  Of course the largest benefit to the donor is the satisfaction
of knowing that your gift is leading a legacy of opportunity.  However,
gifts may be structured to provide more.

.        Helping the NFB of SC fulfill its mission

.        Realizing income tax savings through a charitable donation

.        Making capital gain tax savings on contributions of appreciated

.        Providing retained payments for the life of a donor or beneficiary

.        Eliminating or lowering federal estate tax in certain situations

.        Reducing estate settlement costs

NFB of SC programs are dynamic:

.        Making the study of literacy and technology a real possibility for
blind children and adults 

.        Providing hope and training for seniors losing vision

.        Promoting state and local programs to help blind people become
first class citizens

.        Educating the public about blind people's true potential

.        Advancing technology helpful to the blind

.        Creating a state and national library on the progress of blindness

.        Training and inspiring professionals working with the blind

.        Providing critical information to parents of blind children

.        Mentoring blind job seekers.  Your gift makes you a partner in the
NFB of SC dream.  For further information or assistance, contact the NFB of
SC, 119 S. Kilbourne Rd., Columbia, SC 29205.  803-254-3777  nfbsc at sc.rr.com
<mailto:nfbsc at sc.rr.com>  or nfbofsc.org.


Honors and Remembrances

Support the blind of South Carolina by Honoring or Memorializing a Loved One

Please apply my gift to:

_____National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina

_____Rocky Bottom Retreat & Conference Center of the Blind

_____Federation Center of the Blind

Send check payable to the one you chose, address and mail to:

____________________________ (organization name) 119 S. Kilbourne Rd.,
Columbia, SC 29205


1.      To Honor Someone Special:

I am donating $_____ in honor of ____________________________ who lives
at______________________________________________ (address)

Please acknowledge me with a copy of this honorary letter:

My Name_______________________________________________


My check is enclosed. (Tax deductible)


2.      OR To Memorialize Someone Special:

I am donating $_____ in memory of __________________________. 

Please send letter to next of kin:_____________________________

who resides at ___________________________________________


Please acknowledge me with a copy of this memorial letter:

My Name _______________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________

My check is enclosed. (Tax deductible)


Thank You!

For more information regarding these organizations of the blind contact:
nfbsc at sc.rr.com <mailto:nfbsc at sc.rr.com>  or call 803-254-3777 for




          The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future.  Every day, we raise the
expectations of blind people because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams.  You can live the life you want:
blindness is not what holds you back.  
Table of Contents



5       50th Annual Statewide Seminar Successful  By Frank Coppel


6       Sweethearts, Sweet Steps, and Sweet Success!  By Debra Canty


8       Zooming Around with Successful Transitions  By Jennifer Bazer


9       Midlands Gives  By Frank Coppel


9       "CRISIS"  By David Houck


11     Love Conquers Hate: An Open Letter to the Members of the National
Federation of the Blind  By Mark A. Riccobono, NFB President


13     The 64th Annual NFB of SC Convention - A First -  Going Virtual!  By
Frank Coppel


14     State Convention Awards and Scholarships


15     Lighthouse Clock  By:  Dominic Calabrese


16     February 19, 2020 Legislative Breakfast Very Successful  By Frank


17     From the President's Desk  By Frank Coppel


18     From the Editor's Desk  By David Houck


19     Successful At Large Chapter Launch  By Ed Bible


19     Final Thought

50th Annual Statewide Seminar Successful

By Frank Coppel


          (Editor's Note:  The following is taken from the January 8
Positive Note for the benefit of our expanded Palmetto Blind readers.)

          I want to thank all of you who attended the 50th annual Statewide
Seminar this past Saturday, January 4.  Just prior to the start of the
seminar, you could feel the energy and enthusiasm permeating throughout the
meeting hall.  155 Federationists from across the state were in attendance.
I was told every seat in the room was nearly filled when the Seminar was
called to order at 10:00 a.m.  All three heads of agencies who provide
services to the blind, Zuneira Wasif, Director of Consumer Services of the
SC Commission for the Blind, Dr. Paige McCraw, President of the SC School
for the Deaf and Blind, and Kristin White, Director of Talking Book Services
of SC, gave presentations.  

          Thom Spittle did an excellent job as auctioneer as we raised
$1,000 for Rocky Bottom.  This is probably one of the highest totals we have
earned from the statewide seminar auction, and I want to thank each of you
who donated an auction item or who financially contributed to Rocky Bottom
during the day.  At the NFB of SC Board of Directors meeting, which was held
during the two hour lunch break, the Board elected Frank Coppel to serve as
the official delegate and Debra Canty to serve as alternate delegate to the
NFB National Convention in Houston, Texas.  Since there appears to be a lack
of interest to charter a bus to Houston, the board voted to equally disperse
the monies raised from the sale of bus tickets to those individuals who will
be attending the convention.  The requirements to receive a stipend are as
follows; the individual must be a dues paying member of the NFB of SC, must
have sold bus tickets, and must register for the convention.  The stipends
will be distributed the first day of the general sessions which will be
Friday morning, July 17.  The board discussed the 2020 state convention
which will be held at the North Charleston Marriott August 21-23.  The cost
of a room will be $115 per night.  There will be an additional 14 percent
tax added to each room.  The board also voted to increase preregistration
for this year's state convention to $85 for adults, $55 for college students
and $25 for children under the age of eighteen.  

          During the RBRCCB board of Directors meeting, the board voted to
move the 2020 Fun Day Festival to Saturday, May 2 (which was later cancelled
due to the Covid 19 virus shutdown.  

          During the afternoon session of the seminar, the audience heard
excellent reports from Rocky Bottom and the Federation Center.  Jennifer
Bazer did an excellent job reporting on the progress of the Successful
Transition program and the audience heard from two students, Matthew Duffell
Hoffman and Derique Simon who participated in a Mentoring program recently
held at the SC Commission for the Blind.  

          Also during the afternoon session of the seminar, the "100/100
club" (100 people contributing $100) was established in an effort to raise
$10,000 to purchase a much needed freezer and refrigerator for the
commercial kitchen in the conference center at Rocky Bottom.  Since the NFB
of SC Seniors Division spearheaded this fund raising project during the fall
senior camp in October, checks need to be payable to the NFB of SC seniors
division.  Thus far, $2,300 in cash and pledges have been raised.  Let's
keep the momentum going and let's try to raise the remainder of the money by
Friday, February 28.  

          Congratulations to Annie Johnson from Cheraw, SC who was the
seller of the winning bus ticket and to Richard Johnson from Cheraw who
purchased the winning ticket.  Also, congratulations to the Columbia Chapter
for selling 908 Houston national convention tickets and finishing in first
place.  The Cherokee County Chapter finished second selling 256 bus tickets
and the Rock Hill Chapter finished third selling 205 tickets.  A grand total
of 2,869 tickets were sold.  

          I want to take this opportunity to thank Isaiah Nelson and his
group of volunteers for preparing and serving a delicious lunch.  I am very
pleased to announce this was the first time the NFB of SC has ever streamed
the state wide seminar and I would like to thank Thom Spittle and Steve Cook
for their efforts in this area.  Finally, I want to especially thank David
Houck for all of his hard work prior to the Seminar and all day Saturday to
ensure the meeting was a success.  


Picture Captions:

          NFB of SC President Frank Coppel presides   

          Dorothy Barksdale's invocation  

          50th Statewide Seminar Audience

          Columbia President Tiffiny Mitchell greets all

          Thom Spittle, Rocky Bottom auctioneer

            Shelley Coppel, Senior Division President

          Ike Nelson announces the Luncheon

          RBRCCB Report by Ed Bible

          RBRCCB Report by Shelley Coppel

          Jennifer Bazer presents Successful Transitions

          Matthew Duffell-Hoffman recounts his Successful Transitions

          Derique Simon speaks about the NFB of SC Student Division



Sweethearts, Sweet Steps, and Sweet Success!

By Debra Canty, Chairperson of the National Federation of the Blind of South
Carolina Fundraising Committee


          It was a gorgeous evening with the temperature at 54 degrees on
Saturday, February 15, 2020, for the Fifth Annual Sweethearts Dance hosted
by the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina.

          There was chatter and laughter among the guests as we prepared to
have some "Icebreakers" to set the tone for an evening of games, fellowship,
food, and giveaways. The mood was also set for some fancy footwork and we
anxiously awaited the opportunity to dance the night away.

          Observations came from Frank Coppel, President of the National
Federation of the Blind of South Carolina. Frank noted, "On Saturday
evening, February 15, Shelley and I had a wonderful time attending the fifth
annual Sweethearts Dance sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind
of South Carolina." Approximately 57 individuals were in attendance, and it
was very apparent everyone enjoyed all the festivities of the evening.  The
Federation Center was beautifully decorated with alternating white and red
table cloths enhanced by a balloon bouquet on each table.  

          Individuals enjoyed a delectable dinner and afterwards many of us
had a great time participating in a few games and contests, listening to the
music, dancing or just talking with each other.  

          Many great door prizes were given which greatly magnified the
festivities of the evening.  Additionally, I am very proud to announce
approximately $1,100 in net proceeds were raised for the NFB of SC, which
met our goal for the evening.  

          As this was a fundraiser for the state affiliate, it is befitting
to recognize those state board members and leaders who were present for the
Sweethearts Dance.  They were Second Vice President, Debra Canty; First
District Board Member, Loretta Green; Fifth District Board Member, Linda
Dizzley; and At-large Board Members: Ed Bible, Tiffiny Mitchell, and Isaiah
Nelson.  Also, in attendance were David Houck, Director of the Federation
Center of the Blind and Jennifer Bazer, Director of Successful Transitions.

          Thanks goes to Kerry "Butch" Thompson, a member of the Sumter
chapter, for doing an excellent job providing the music for the evening.
Many thanks also go to Jennifer Bazer and Valerie Warrington for securing an
assortment of door prizes.  A very special thanks goes to Debra Canty, our
Fundraising Chairperson and her planning committee for putting together this
event.  Many kudos for a job well done!  

          Mega thanks, because "Teamwork makes the dream work!" Well-done to
the committee: Jennifer Bazer, Shannon Cook, Linda Dizzley, Loretta Green,
Tiffany Mitchell and Valerie Warrington.  A hearty applause to you for the
following supports and/or services: The welcome table by Dr. Tremain and
LaKia Singleton, The head host, Michael Wells, decorations by Corey and
Tanisha Gibbons, the dinner by Green and Green Caterers, the music by DJ-B,
and most of all the 57 individuals present and others who supported with a
door prize or donation to bring the 2020 fundraiser to its goal."

          "Let us continue to build the Federation!!!"


          Picture of attendees seated at decorated tables.






Zooming Around with Successful Transitions

By Jennifer Bazer


Remain flexible, life is forever changing


          In February, Successful Transitions received the exciting news
that we would be hosting Summer Teen 2020 and we began planning for an
amazing summer full of activities, outings and trips. We would be spending
several weeks at Rocky Bottom and several weeks in Columbia at the
Federation Center.

          And then, Covid19 changed all of our plans! As time passed and it
got closer and closer for in-person camp, we had to make the difficult
decision to have summer teen 2020 and Children's camp virtually. Some were
very disappointed and others were thrilled that camp would be virtual
because of health concerns that would not allow them to be away from home.
We jumped in and began planning in a different way to address all needs
through virtual camp.

          We decided to combine Children's camp and summer teen 2020 for the
first week and what an amazing experience it has been. Summer teen 2020 will
continue virtually until July 31!

          The first week consisted of 12 children under the age of 13 and
over 20 teenagers between the ages of 13 and 21. The week was full of
exciting activities including yoga and mindfulness, technology show and
tell, scavenger hunt, and other self-advocacy and work-readiness activities.
The main project for both children and youth consisted of developing a
personality board which they presented later in the week. This exercise
helped them illustrate through photos and tangible items their dreams for
the future. They would be able to keep the board and refer to it often to
continue striving for their goals or revise their dreams based on life

          During career exploration on Thursday, a martial artist who is
blind from Pennsylvania shared with the campers about his business and
founding Lehigh Valley Martial Arts. Paul Miller has been practicing martial
arts for 50 years and now is the Chief  Executive Officer. He revealed that
once he lost his sight, he became a more skilled martial artist because he
relied on his sense of touch, rather than, his sight. Paul reminded the
campers to "never give up" and to keep persevering, even when things seem
impossible. The campers were engaged and asked fantastic questions and left
with possibilities of practicing martial arts themselves.

          Staff from the South Carolina Commission for the Blind (SCCB)
observed and participated in the virtual sessions. "I have so enjoyed
sitting in on some of the sessions" said Rhonda Thompson, Director of
Children Services. "It is definitely a new way of doing things, and I am so
glad they have the opportunity to engage in  learning, to meet new friends
and reconnect with old ones."

Personality Boards:

          Rebeckah Breece

          Destiny Thompkins

          Alyssa Bushnell


Midlands Gives

By Frank Coppel


          I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who
participated in the Midlands Gives fund raising event which was held
Tuesday, May 5, in Columbia.  As all of you know by now, we received an
email from Midlands Gives on Friday afternoon stating an anonymous donor was
contributing a matching grant up to $3,000 to the NFB of SC.  Because of
this generous contribution, we switched gears from Rocky Bottom and we put
all of our efforts into raising contributions for the NFB of SC this past
Tuesday, May 5. With the money we raised during Midlands Gives, the NFB of
SC will make a donation to Rocky Bottom.

          I am very pleased to announce this year's fund raising event was
very successful as we were able to raise $4,164 with eighty donors
contributing.  I am also very pleased to report we were able to receive the
$3,000 matching donation from an anonymous donor making the NFB of SC's
final total $7,164.  Rocky Bottom received $749 in donations with eighteen
donors contributing.  Although we did not win the $2,000 prize for having
the most unique contributions during the 12:00 to 1:00 "power hour", I am
very proud to say we were able to collect sixty-two unique contributions
during the "power hour".  Last year, we collected a total of fifty-seven
unique contributions of which thirty-nine were collected during the 12:00 to
1:00 "power hour".  A very special thanks goes to Valerie and Larry
Warrington for all of their hard work during the past few months with this
project which made it possible for the NFB of SC and Rocky Bottom to again
participate in this program.  Finally, I would like to thank all of you who
contributed or who assisted others to make their contributions during this
event.  I am very proud of our Federation family as members from throughout
the state made significant contributions during the entire day.  It has been
said on many occasions that awesome things can happen when individuals pull
together and work as a team.  This cannot be more clearly demonstrated than
what occurred on Tuesday, May 5, during our Midlands Gives fund raising



By David Houck


Picture of Chinese Character for "Crisis" meaning both Danger and


          The Chinese symbol for crisis consists of two concepts written
together, one of danger and one of opportunity.

          With the Covid-19 pandemic, we have all seen the crisis.  We have
sheltered in place, observed "social distancing," wore masks at times and
watched the media constantly tell us about the instances of the virus,
proposed treatments and even of the mounting death rates.  All of this was
to prevent the danger which the virus presents.

          The NFB also instituted policies about appropriate standards
concerning the Covid virus, using ZOOM and other platforms to hold meetings,
limiting exposure with others, revamping the national convention, etc.  All
of these things forced us to look at innovative opportunities to continue
providing service without endangering anyone.

          Here in South Carolina the NFB of SC had to adapt as well.
Chapters used social media to conduct meetings, Boards met via ZOOM.  While
Rocky Bottom Retreat and Conference Center of the Blind, located in the
mountains of northern Pickens County was shut down by SC DHEC due to the
virus, revenues were lost.  Guests were told they could not visit.  A
planned fishing trip for the Upstate blind was cancelled.  The Spring Senior
Blind Camp was cancelled.  However, Chairman Frank Coppel, Vice Chairman Ed
Bible and Treasurer Valerie Warrington rallied and Midlands Gives and other
contributions raised in excess of $8,000 for the camp.  Time was used to
conduct renovations, meet DHEC requirements and get the swimming pool and
mini golf course ready for summer activities.

          The Federation Center of the Blind, the hub of activity for the
NFB of SC, had to shut down all group activity.  Jennifer Bazer and the
Successful Transitions team worked from home and only the Center Executive
Director worked from the Center.  However, our four blind computer
instructors still worked from home, connecting with their blind students
from their home over the internet on a secure line and taught the use of
adaptive technologies in Windows and Microsoft Suites software.  Barry
Chavis continued to perform maintenance work and renovations at the Center.
Payroll was met, funds were raised, renewal of our Secretary of State Public
Charities registration was made, sam.gov registration renewed and even
application for the Payroll Protection Plan was achieved during this time.
Even local chapter memberships were updated and sent to the national office.
In order to avoid the danger of the virus, we undertook precautions and yet
found opportunities to continue serving the blind.

          Now that we are positioning ourselves to once again be fully "open
for business," we will still keep in mind the rules of "social distancing"
and cleanliness procedures and all that entails.  However, we must keep in
mind not to be afraid to resume our former level of activity.  We still have
a job to do in this "big program of work with the blind." as the late Dr.
Donald Capps used to say. The Columbia Chapter had 67years of a barbecue
established by Dr. Capps.  Rocky Bottom Retreat and Conference Center of the
Blind must also continue to grow and develop its programs for the blind of
all ages.  The Federation Center of the Blind must continue to grow and
expand its service to blind South Carolinians as we approach our sixtieth
year of service.  Local chapters across the state must support the effort of
the Federation in all areas.  Our Chesterfield County Chapter, while a
smaller chapter in number, sets a good example by giving to all aspects of
Federation endeavors.  Successful Transitions must continue to affect the
future of blind high school and college age blind students.  The NFB of SC
must also encourage the energy and enthusiasm of our members in supporting
local, state and especially national efforts of the Federation.  This
includes free white cane referrals, PAC Plan contributions, SUN Shares,
Washington Seminars, national convention registrations, recruiting members,
etc.  If you want to "Change what it Means to be Blind," "Live the Life You
Want," and to "Transform Your Dreams into Reality" for yourself and others,
you must avoid the danger of a crisis and seize the opportunities.  Let's
get busy!

Chinese character logo from .manypathstohealing.com


Love Conquers Hate: An Open Letter to the Members of the

National Federation of the Blind  By Mark A. Riccobono, NFB President


Sunday, May 31, 2020


          I write this message to you as the elected President of the
National Federation of the Blind. I also write it to you as an American who
is struggling this week. I call upon members of our organization to
recognize the solidarity we share as blind people and that the value we
place on love within our movement is needed more today than at any other
time in our history.

          I watched the horrific video shot by a brave seventeen year-old of
the killing of George Floyd, a citizen of our great nation. Before I watched
the video, I wondered what I could do and how I could contribute to healing
the pain. I had no answers. After I watched the video, I realized I still
did not have the answers and I was sad, angry, scared, frustrated, and
without hope. Then I realized that we share tools in the National Federation
of the Blind that can help. We cannot look away and we need to share what we
know from our experience in this people's movement.

          Our movement has been sustained for the purpose of serving as a
vehicle for collective action by the blind of the nation to promote the
vocational, cultural, and social advancement of the blind; to achieve the
integration of the blind into society on a basis of equality with the
sighted; and to take any other action which will improve the overall
condition and standard of living of the blind. While racial equality in our
nation is not within our mission, we also recognize that blindness affects
all races and that the society we live within has an impact on our

          The Federation's Code of Conduct specifically emphasizes our
commitments to diversity. In short, "We respect differences of opinion,
beliefs, identities, and other characteristics that demonstrate that blind
people are a diverse cross section of society...In promoting a diverse and
growing organization, we expect integrity and honesty in our relationships
with each other and openness to learning about and experiencing cultural
diversity. We believe that these qualities are crucial to fostering social
and intellectual maturity. Intellectual maturity also requires individual
struggle with unfamiliar ideas." This week, I have been struggling to
comprehend the fear and anger that black members of my Federation family are
experiencing. I do not, and never can, have the authentic lived experience
that you have, but yet I am also completely outraged by the hate and
injustice that fell upon George Floyd on Monday. I recognize there are many
centuries of painful layers wrapped up in that moment. I recognize that
George is neither the first nor the last in a chain of injustices that need
to be addressed. I want you to know I stand with you in facing the injustice
that persists against you because of the color of your skin. I want you to
know that I love you and I struggle with not being able to fully know your
pain and fear. I want you to know I am prepared to be guided by you as to
how I can make a difference. I cannot say that I have not become
desensitized in times past, but I can tell you I will never turn away again.

          While our organization is dedicated to advancing the rights of
blind people, we should not act as though race does not exist. As our
chapters attempt to do business, as we urge our members to take up our
priorities, we should recognize that thousands of our members are impacted
by the painful realizations of this week. As a people's movement, we cannot
pretend that our people only have one characteristic. Now is the time to let
each member know we love them and we recognize their hurt. Now is also the
time for us to recognize, as individuals, that we carry implicit bias
learned from the society around us, and to seek the training that will
enhance our awareness. Now is the time to give love to our black members so
that we might learn how we can do better in building the understanding that
powers the organized blind movement.

          Now is not the time for us to use our organizational communication
tools to offer position statements about the activities playing out on the
streets of our nation. it is easy to write messages and posts of solidarity
without having a true understanding of the issues. It is easy to suggest
that we share the concerns of our black members. The harder thing for us to
do is to consciously listen and seek understanding while supporting others
in their pain and frustration. The Federation has never been known for
merely doing what is easy. The priority today is to ensure all of our black
members know they are welcomed and loved in this movement. In fact, we
should extend that same truth to any others who feel the real pain sweeping
our nation. Please do not use organizational assets to enter the dialogue
around race. That is not our purpose as an organization and we may
unintentionally make it worse. We need to continue to coordinate messaging
and to be guided by the wisdom of our diversity and inclusion committee. As
leaders of our movement, we should also be conscious that our public posts
may be misunderstood as representing the Federation. Our personal feelings
and misunderstanding around the death of George Floyd, the protests sweeping
our nation, and the underlying systemic discrimination may hurt and divide
members of the organization. We cannot let that happen and we must be
careful as leaders not to add to the pain our members are experiencing. As
it relates to our public messaging, let us stay focused on the priorities of
the organized blind movement. As it comes to our cherished friends, let our
priority be to reach out personally to listen and offer our hands in

          I have had the opportunity to gather virtually with some of our
top black leaders-a group who will continue to guide my actions related to
these issues. I asked them for wisdom and love in finding ways that I could
guide our membership during this trying time in our nation. Their message
was clear. Our movement is built on love and love always conquers hate. The
Federation family needs to shine a light for the rest of the nation by
continuing to demonstrate that the love, and solidarity that we share with
each other in this movement makes all the difference. They also noted that
our organization has always valued civil disobedience and persistent pursuit
of equality. They urged that we continue to pray for peace, justice, and
equality. I could not agree more with these friends I have been blessed to
learn from in our movement. Furthermore, I am thankful that we have a
movement that provides us a meaningful opportunity to know people whose
lived experience is so different from our own while sharing a common bond as
blind people.

          In the National Federation of the Blind we know that blindness is
not the characteristic that defines us or our future. Blindness is the thing
that brings us together but it is not the thing that makes us want to stay
together. That, in a word, is love. We have love in our movement and we
strengthen it by giving it. We have some wisdom and we strengthen it by
continuing to seek greater understanding. We need more of both love and
wisdom at every opportunity. Let's continue to share love, hope, and
determination with each other so that together we transform our dreams into
reality. One of those dreams still left to be transformed is that of a
nation where we can join together regardless of our unique characteristics.
That is a dream I am struggling to help my own children understand so they
may do better than I in making it come true. I speak for all of our national
board members when I say we sincerely believe that the love and togetherness
demonstrated in our movement can go a long way in contributing to that
dream. It can be hard to remember that in this moment when so many of us are
hurting, angry, frustrated, and scared. Let us continue to support each
other in the Federation family. Let us avoid the harmful language that will
only serve to divide us in this time. Let us go forward together, love one
another, and change the world for the better.


The 64th Annual NFB of SC Convention - A First -  Going Virtual!

By Frank Coppel


          The 64th annual State Convention of the National Federation of the
Blind of South Carolina is only weeks away!  The 2020 NFB of SC state
Convention will be held August 21-22. As you may recall, the 2020 state
convention was initially scheduled to be held at the North Charleston
Marriott.  However, as a result of Covid 19 and that the NFB of SC Board of
Directors' desire to ensure the safety and health of our members, the state
board voted Monday evening, June 1, to hold a virtual state convention this
year.  Although this year's state convention will be virtual, I am confident
this will be our best Convention to date.  

          There will be no cost for registration.  To register online for
the 2020 NFB of SC state convention, go to our website, nfbofsc.org.  If you
need assistance with the online registration, call Steve and Shannon Cook
(803) 254-0222 or David Houck at the Federation Center (803) 254-3777and
they will be happy to assist you. The deadline for registration is July 31,
2020.  If you do not register you will not be eligible for door prizes and
you will not be able to participate in the election process.  

          The 2020 NFB of SC state convention will include most of the
elements our members expect, with some new variations.  Division and
Committee meetings will be held on Friday August 21, as well as the third
quarter meeting of the NFB of SC Board of Directors.  

          The Convention will be called to order Saturday morning, August
22, and will adjourn at the conclusion of the banquet on Saturday evening.  

          I am very excited regarding the prospects of holding a virtual
state convention.  It will take all of us working together if we are to have
a successful event.  I am asking chapter presidents, or someone in the
chapter, to assist any member who may need help to participate via the Zoom
platform in this year's convention.  

          I look forward to a great convention and to be with my federation
family August 21-22!  


State Convention Awards and Scholarships


          Each year at the NFB of SC convention during the Saturday evening
Banquet, scholarships and awards are distributed.  Even though this year we
are hosting a virtual convention, the same applies.  Here is a synopsis of
these honors and awards and how you can be of assistance before the state
convention in August.  All award nominations should be turned in by no later
than August 1 to give time for decisions about recipients and plaques to be


Donald C. Capps Award - This award will be given to the member (either blind
or sighted) who demonstrates going the extra mile "and then some" on local,
state and even national levels.  To nominate, write David Houck, Chair, at
the Federation Center of the Blind, 119 S. Kilbourne Rd., Columbia, SC 29205
or by email at nfbsc at sc.rr.com <mailto:nfbsc at sc.rr.com>  by August 1 telling
the committee why your candidate should be selected for this award which
includes a plaque and a $100 bill.


Employer of the Year Award - This award is given to a deserving company or
agency which has demonstrated a track record of hiring the blind in
competitive employment.  Please send in your nominations in writing to Steve
Cook, Chair, at 2446 Harrison Rd., Columbia, SC 29204 or by email Steve at
cookcafe at sc.rr.com <mailto:cookcafe at sc.rr.com> .  This award includes a


Educator of the Year Award - This award goes to a deserving teacher of the
visually impaired or other educator of the blind in South Carolina who has
accomplished much in shaping the lives of young blind students.  Marty
McKenzie is the Chair and you can send in your nominations by August 1 in
writing to 1516 Lucky Rd., Lake City, SC 29560 or by email to
marty2 at ftc-i.net <mailto:marty2 at ftc-i.net> . This award includes a plaque.


Scholarships - Although the time to apply for an NFB of SC Scholarship
expired on June 19, please also remember that the scholarship program
operates on donations exclusively.  If you or your chapter would like to
contribute a scholarship or make a donation to the Metro Fund, please get in
touch with both me, NFB of SC Scholarship Chair, Shannon Cook, 2446 Harrison
Rd., Columbia, SC 29204 or by email at cookcafe at sc.rr.con
<mailto:cookcafe at sc.rr.con> , and Valerie Warrington, NFB of SC Treasurer,
384 Cannon Ridge Lane, Newberry, SC 29108 or by email at
vvwarrington at hughes.net <mailto:vvwarrington at hughes.net> .  Also, please
help us get the word out about the program.  Scholarships will be presented
during the Saturday evening portion of the convention on August 22.


Lighthouse Clock

By :Dominic Calabrese


Editor's Note:  (Ed Bible - "In February, Julie and I were involved in a
ceremony at the Statehouse to present Governor Henry McMaster a customized
clock made by the blind in the Chicago Lighthouse to celebrate the 30th
anniversary of the American with Disabilities Act. The Irmo Lions Club was
hosting it, and Lions state leaders were there as well.  I just received
word that this story will be published in the Lions International magazine.
This reinforces the close relationship the NFB of SC has with the state's
Lions Clubs.")

          To celebrate the wide-ranging accomplishments of people who are
blind and to thank him for his support, the Greater Irmo Lions Club (GILC)
presented South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster with a special clock made
by employees who are blind at The Chicago Lighthouse Industries program.  

          The event, which took place at the Governor's office in the State
Capitol on February 5, was attended by nearly 20 guests including many Lions
from across the state as well as leaders in the blind community.  Among them
were Ed Bible, Board Member of the South Carolina Chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind.

         USC Adjunct Professor Dominic Calabrese, a GILC member who recently
retired from The Lighthouse as senior vice president of public relations,
noted that the organization operates one of the few remaining clock
factories in the U.S. and has the exclusive contract to make clocks for the
federal government, including military bases like nearby Fort Jackson.

         "We also wanted to recognize the 30th anniversary of the passage of
the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act," Calabrese said.  "While much
has improved for the disabled community since the Act was enacted in 1990,
we realize that more needs to be done before we have a truly inclusive


Picture Captions:

          South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster proudly displays The
Chicago Lighthouse clock.


          South Carolina Lions Club members pose with USC Adjunct Professor
Dominic Calabrese as he showcases the Lighthouse clock he presented to the
Governor.  Shown left to right are first Vice District Governor Judy Scott,
Lion Trey Dymock, Dominic and Second Vice District Governor Jim Barbare.


February 19, 2020 Legislative Breakfast Very Successful

By Frank Coppel


          On February 19, the NFB of SC hosted a very successful Legislative
breakfast from 8:00 to 10:00 in room 112 of the Solomon Blatt building
located at our state capital complex.  We were extremely pleased to have
approximately 200 legislators and staff personnel attend the event.  The
purpose of the breakfast was to reestablish our relationship with the
legislature and to ask for increased funding for the SC Commission for the
Blind's Older Blind program.  Kudos to the NFB of SC Legislative Committee
and its Chairman, Ed Bible, for a job well done!  I would also like to
recognize Catherine Williams and Dondra Bible for their outstanding work
manning the registration table as well as David Houck for all of his hard
work in preparing for this event.  


Picture Captions:

          Right to left: Jennifer Bazer and Ed Bible at podium with Darlene
Houck seated.

          President Coppel and others in receiving line

          NFB of SC slide show


February 19, 2020


Open Letter to the South Carolina General Assembly


          Greetings and we trust that you are enjoying your Legislator
Appreciation Breakfast.  We are the National Federation of the Blind of
South Carolina, a non-profit organization of blind people serving blind and
visually impaired South Carolinians since 1944.  

          Beginning in 1958 we have advocated for forty-four pieces of
legislation regarding many aspects of life for the blind.  These include
braille literacy, creation of the SC Commission for the Blind, the right of
blind people to work, have equal access to wherever the public can go, blind
people serving on juries, voting rights for the blind and visually impaired,
preventing taxes (set-aside fees) from being levied on blind vendors, the
Right to Parent Act, and many more.

          It is our intention to get to know the General Assembly members
again as it has been nine years since we last held such a legislator
appreciation function.  We are also eager to advise you of an important
point or two concerning beneficial funding for the elderly blind.  For every
South Carolina tax dollar invested in services to the Older Blind Program at
the SC Commission for the Blind, the agency receives $9 in federal matching
funds.  By modestly increasing this line item under the Commission for the
Blind's budget, you will do much to increase federal matching funds for
independent living, white cane travel and orientation, adaptive computer
training and much more to the 55 and older blind and visually impaired
population.  Independence means living on our own longer and having
communication with others which increases our quality of life.

          We stand ready to lend our advice with legislation and budgeting
for agencies serving the blind.  We want what is best for all blind and
visually impaired South Carolinians, turning tax dependent citizens into tax
paying, contributing members of society.




Frank Coppel



>From the President's Desk

By Frank Coppel


          As I begin writing the "From the president's Desk" article, it is
amazing to me how our lives have changed during the past twelve weeks.  On
March 12, Shelley and I attended the monthly meeting of the Columbia
chapter.  Little did we know March 12, would be the last time we would be
able to have an in person meeting with our federation friends.  Although the
Covid 19 virus has made it necessary to do things differently, the activity
and enthusiasm in our organization has been awesome both nationally and on
the state level.  

          Nationally, we are eagerly anticipating the first virtual NFB
national convention which is scheduled for July14-18 2020.  I believe we
will have more than 150 South Carolinians registered for this convention.
The 2020 NFB national convention promises to be one of the best ever and
will have many of the same elements we have been accustom to having over the

          On the state level, nine of our chapters have held monthly
meetings via the Zoom platform.  I would like to strongly encourage those of
you who have not held chapter meetings via the Zoom platform to do so as
this tends to keep our members connected and informed as to what is
happening both nationally and in our affiliate.  Throughout the spring, our
Successful Transitions program, under the leadership of Jennifer Bazer, has
continued to provide services to students virtually via the Zoom platform
and this summer will be hosting a virtual children's camp and summer teen

          On May 30, Rocky Bottom held a virtual senior camp under the
direction of Shelley Coppel and Shannon Cook.  Twenty-four Seniors
participated, and activities consisted of playing bingo, a group discussion,
and much needed fellowship.  

          During the past twelve weeks, we have held NFB of SC Connects, a
weekly meeting designed to keep members informed regarding national and
state activities.  

          Of course, on August 21-22 we will be holding our first ever
virtual NFB of SC state convention.  I fully realize putting on a virtual
convention could be challenging at times.  However, there is no doubt in my
mind with all of us working together and doing our part, this event can be a
huge success.  

          In closing, it has been my pleasure to serve as your state
president for the past five years.  I will still be available to do whatever
I can in this organization and I look forward to having a new state
president who will have the energy, enthusiasm, and vision to lead this
affiliate for years to come.  


>From the Editor's Desk

By David Houck


          We got off 2020 to a good start with an outstanding Statewide
Seminar directed by NFB of SC President Frank Coppel.  As usual, Debra
Canty, Second Vice President of the NFB of SC and Chairperson of the 5th
Annual Sweetheart Dance, was able to raise $1,000 for the NFB of SC by
providing beautiful decorations, excellent dining and dancing including
great door prizes.

          The February 19 Legislative Breakfast reacquainted the General
Assembly with the Federation and promoted increased funding for the
Commission for the Blind's Older Blind Program.  Attendance surpassed
expectations and next year's event is scheduled for February 17, 2021.

          Ed Bible, Federation Center Board Chairman, headed up a delegation
to exhibit at the March 3 Assistive Technology Expo and distributed
information packets about the Federation Center and its services.  A few
days later on March 6, the annual Vision Summit was well represented by the
Federation, extolling the 2019 NFB of SC scholarship and award recipients
and featured former NFB of SC President and Administrative Law Judge Parnell
Diggs who spoke before the audience.  

          Events were curtailed somewhat by the Covid-19 virus situation
later in March.  While we were all are following "social distance" during
the Covid-19 virus situation, the Federation Center office still was staffed
by the Executive Director David Houck to make certain information gets out
statewide about the virus situation, meeting postponements or cancellations
and to service the needs of the state's blind at this time.


Picture Captions:

          Center kitchen before photo

          Kitchen under renovation

          New hall closet doors


          Our four blind computer instructors continued to teach virtually
over the internet and Barry Chavis continued Federation Center renovation
and maintenance work.   This includes a renovation of the office hallway
closets and hanging new closet doors.  We are also undergoing a complete
renovation of our kitchen facilities from floor to ceiling with new
appliances as the kitchen can be used for cooking classes, etc.  Also,
although schools were temporarily closed, Successful Transitions found ways
to continue its operations in a safe working environment.  Successful
Transitions is moving its office to West Columbia because of the need for
more space.  Of course, Linda Bible was doing a good job at Rocky Bottom as
Resident Manager while improvements continued to be performed by volunteers
and others. All our Federation officers and board members stood ready to be
of any possible assistance.  We began at this time to hold board meetings
and chapter functions by ZOOM, keeping our "social distance" in mind.  Below
is an interesting last minute submission.


Successful At Large Chapter Launch

By Ed Bible


          In April the first meeting of the newest chapter, the At- large
chapter met.  The word had spread throughout S.C. regarding date and time
and how to join the meeting by using Zoom. This allows you to attend by
using and old land line, a cell phone or device or by using your computer. 

          After we introduced our selves and discussed the purpose of the
chapter we had elections. Ed Bible was elected President, David Bundy as
Vice President and Dondra Bible as Treasurer.  The constitution of the
chapter was presented to be attendees for a vote on its acceptance. It was
discovered that many had not received the constitution and it was to be
postponed until the following month.

          At the May meeting Mary Sonksen was voted in as Secretary. The
Constitution was approved and the Chapter was off and running. You are
always welcome to join a meeting which meet on the second Tuesday of the
month at 7 PM on the Zoom platform.

          Please spread the word regarding our newest chapter. We wish to
offer the benefits of being a Federationist for their sake.  Let's build the
NFB of SC.


Final Thought


Transforming your dreams into reality:  It's not the crisis that counts,
only your reaction to it.



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