[Ohio-Talk] Here are some action items and a thank you message from our national President.

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 18:03:16 UTC 2020

Ohio Members,


Here are some action items and a thank you message from our national
President below!






There was an email deposited in your email providing instructions on how to
vote during the 2020 National Convention. Because, it was directed not to
forward the email, I am just sending you a reminder to do so if you have not
yet enrolled. However, if you did not receive that email with the
instructions, please email me or give me a call so that you can obtain the
instructions. Voting is for registered members of the National Federation of
the Blind.



Also, in the body of that email is additional information that should be
reviewed. Please take time to do so as well.




As you know, the Ohio Association of Blind Students will hold a conference
on tomorrow, Monday, July 6th at 7:00 P.M. EDT. Please come out and support
our students. They are working hard to advance their initiatives and
relationship; not only with area students, but with you as well. President
Kinshuk Tella is developing into a strong leader of OASB, and this members
are equally awesome. So, join the call and meet these young adults and learn
more about them. Here is the Zoom info!


 <https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851

Meeting ID: 408 185 0851

One tap mobile

+16468769923,,4081850851# US (New York)

Dial: (669) 900-6833

Id: 4081850851




Attend the Rookie Roundup

This year is a first for all of us. All convention attendees are cordially
invited to attend a welcoming Zoom meeting Tuesday, July 7 from 8:30 to 9:30
p.m. EDT. President Riccobono and Pam Allen will be on hand to kick off the
convention a week before it starts and preview its activities. 

Click this link to join:
Or dial: +1 301 715 8592
Zoom Webinar ID: 912 5089 3803
One-tap mobile: +13017158592,,91250893803#




To learn about Zoom, read the Braille Monitor article,
"The Room is Zoom: An Overview for Many of the National Convention




Agenda Now Available

2020 National Convention agenda is now available for your review. Zoom links
are coming soon. Please note that some divisions require registration for
their sessions.




>From President, Mark Riccobono:

Thanks to Affiliates:


Many of our affiliates have been contributing to our NFB BELLR In-Home
Edition. Putting on quality, nationwide programming like this takes
resources, and I am happy that our state affiliates stepped up to support
our national organization with financial resources in this regard. Thanks go
out to the following affiliates for your help with NFB BELL this year. 


NFB of Alabama 


NFB of Arizona 


NFB of California 


NFB of Connecticut 


NFB of Georgia 


NFB of Illinois 


NFB of Missouri 


NFB of New Jersey 


NFB of Ohio 


NFB of Pennsylvania 


NFB of Utah 

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