[Ohio-Talk] : Remote Provision of Services

Richard Payne rchpay7 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 08:34:27 UTC 2020



From: Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 4:36 PM
To: rchpay7 at gmail.com
Subject: Remote Provision of Services


Remote Provision of Services 



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March 17, 2020


Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Service Providers:

As Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) responds to Coronavirus
(COVID-19), please continue to exercise flexibility to ensure the health and
safety of individuals with disabilities and families.  OOD appreciates the
partnership with our provider community in maintaining vocational services
to Ohioans with disabilities.

During this time, OOD supports the use of technology (such as Skype,
GoToMeeting, FaceTime, etc.) or phone calls in lieu face-to-face interaction
for the remote provision of services.  Elements of all fee schedule services
may be considered for remote delivery, excluding Community Based
Assessments, Work Adjustment, Orientation & Mobility, and Job Readiness
Training.  Please consider each individual's needs, technology available to
them, and consult with the referring Counselor or Coordinator regarding the
delivery of services.  All reporting must document how the service was
delivered.  Texting can be used to coordinate services, but not in the
remote delivery of services (unless allowed as a disability accommodation).
OOD Counselors and VR Contract Coordinators are currently working remotely
and can be reached by cell phone and email.  Please be in communication with
them to discuss the transition to remote services. 

Please find below initial considerations for remote service delivery.  OOD
will offer continued guidance as we receive more suggestions, and as we make
adjustments during this time. 

Considerations for Remote Provision of Services:

Intake - Can now be delivered without an in-person meeting; a signature on
the intake form will not be required, in lieu of the signature, note in the
documentation this service was remotely provided (e.g. over phone, Skype,
video phone, etc.).  OOD's Director has waived the requirement for Intakes
to have participant signatures.

Job Development -  Staffings, job search meetings, JSST, kick-off meetings,
and other job development activities can now  be conducted remotely.  OOD's
Director has waived the requirement for participant signatures on the Job
Development plan. 

Individual Tier III questions for participants with interrupted employment
should be discussed with the counselor/coordinator.  Typically, if an
individual's employment is interrupted (no longer stable), we pause until
the position is stabilized and the 90 days have been completed.

On-the-Job-Supports - While OTJS are preferred to be provided in person, OOD
understands that during this time some employers may not allow a job coach
on site.  Up to 1 hour (10 UOS) a day may be authorized and billed for
remotely checking in with the individual outside of their workday to review
their work successes, challenges, and offer any interventions.  If the
provider and the Counselor/Coordinator agree that technology allows for the
remote observation of and interaction with the individual (e.g. Skype,
Facetime, etc.) and employer approval is granted, OTJS may be provided
remotely for the entirety of the shift. 

Community Based Assessments and Work Adjustment Experiences Can be conducted
in-house, or on site with an employer, but cannot be provided remotely.  OOD
understands some employers are postponing participant engagement on-site at
this time and that these services may be delayed. 

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Cannot be provided remotely for activities
which require on-site assistance, such as learning how to cook or iron.
Activities which do not require on-site assistance, such as budgeting, can
be provided remotely.  Please consult with the referring
Counselor/Coordinator about the remote provision of ADLs.

Orientation & Mobility - Must be provided in person, to assist individuals
in navigating through the community. 

Rehabilitation Technology - Whenever possible these services may be provided
remotely, such as remotely logging into an individual's computer, or
providing training remotely.

Summer Youth Services and Youth Leadership Forum - OOD hopes to move forward
with these important services this summer, and we are continuing to assess
the situation to determine if they will be viable.

Career Exploration - OOD understands that some elements of services (such as
meeting with employers for informational interviews) may not be able to be
provided remotely, but that other elements of the service can be provided. 

OOD continues to review reporting requirements and will update the provider
community when additional information is available.

OOD understands the difficult situation providers face, and it is our
priority to support the continued provision of services while ensuring the
health and safety of our participants.  Suggestions and innovative ideas
about how to best meet the needs of individuals served by the VR program
during this time are welcome and encouraged.   Questions regarding specific
cases and billings can be directed to your local counselor and/or
supervisor.  Questions regarding the fee schedule are best directed to
members of the PCMU team directly or by emailing
<mailto:crpvendor at ood.ohio.gov> crpvendor at ood.ohio.gov. 





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Programs provided by Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) are
funded, in whole or in part, with federal grants awarded by the U.S.
Department of Education (DOE) or the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS). For purposes of the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program,
including Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), OOD received 78.7%
of its funding through the DOE VR grant. In Federal fiscal year (FFY) 2019,
OOD received $99,548,657 in federal funds. Funds appropriated by the State
covered 21.3 % of the total costs, or $26,942,648.  Of these federal funds,
$14,932,299 is set aside for Pre-ETS. For purposes of the Supported
Employment (SE) Program, the DOE SE grant funded 90% of the costs for the
Supported Employment for Youth with a Disability Program up to the grant
amount and 100% of the costs of regular Supported Employment program costs
up to the grant amount. In FFY 2019, OOD received $297,857 for SE Youth with
a Disability and State appropriated funds paid a small amount more than the
remaining 10% or $33,192 of the total costs.  In FFY 2019, OOD received
$297,857 in regular SE grant funds. For purposes of the Independent Living
Services for Older Individuals Who are Blind (OIB) Program, the federal
grant received from DOE in FFY 2019 paid 90% of the total costs incurred
under the program. In FFY 2019, OOD received $1,153,208 in federal grant
funds. Funds appropriated by the State paid over the 10% required match or
$130,000 of the total costs incurred under the OIB program.For purposes of
the Independent Living (IL) Program, the federal grant received from HHS
paid 90% of the total costs incurred in FFY 2019. In FFY 2019, OOD received
funding of $640,571. Funds appropriated by the State paid 10% or $71,175 of
the total costs incurred under the IL Program.



This email was sent to rchpay7 at gmail.com <mailto:rchpay7 at gmail.com>  using
GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Opportunities for Ohioans
with Disabilities . 150 E. Campus View Blvd . Columbus, Ohio 43235



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