[Ohio-Talk] sFW: PLEASE SHARE! Registration Required: Social Security Virtual Seminar Series
wsloan118 at roadrunner.com
Tue Oct 20 00:17:44 UTC 2020
From: Maria Matzik [mailto:Maria.Matzik at acils.com]
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 5:04 PM
To: Maria Matzik <Maria.Matzik at acils.com>
Subject: PLEASE SHARE! Registration Required: Social Security Virtual
Seminar Series
Importance: High
Hello Everyone;
I am very pleased to announce our Social Security Virtual Seminar Series.
This series will be offered in November.
You MUST register, in advance, for each seminar. You can choose to
participate in any or all seminars.
This is a FREE event! CEUs will NOT be offered.
ASL Interpreters and C-Print Captionists will be live during each seminar.
Topics and Dates:
Session 1: SSI/SSDI - Overview of Eligibility and How to Apply
When: Monday November 2, 2020 01:30 PM to 03:00 PM Eastern Time
Session 1: The Disability Process - An Overview of SSI/SSDI Eligibility and
How to Apply
* What is the difference between SSI and SSDI? How do you qualify for
* What is a Disabled Adult Child Benefit?
* How do you apply and how is the determination made?
* How does Social Security determine how much you receive with SSDI
and/or SSI?
You are invited to a Zoom webinar:
You Must Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the webinar.
Session 2: SSI/SSDI - What You Need to Know Once You Get Benefits
When: Wednesday November 4, 2020 01:30 PM to 03:00 PM Eastern Time
Session 2: The Disability Process - What You Need to Know Once You Get SSI
and/or SSDI
* How does the local Social Security office determine capability and
how a representative payee is chosen?
* How is SSI redetermined? What about medical updates?
* Can you work and still get SSI or SSDI? How do you report earnings?
* How does overpayments happen, and can you appeal?
You are invited to a Zoom webinar:
You Must Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the webinar.
Session 3: Medicare A/B Enrollment for those on SSDI and
Turning 65
When: Monday November 9, 2020 01:30 PM to 03:00 PM Eastern Time
Session 3 - Medicare A/B Enrollment for Those on SSDI and Turning Age 65
* How do you get Medicare Parts A/B if you are on SSDI?
* Is there a penalty for late Medicare Parts A/B enrollment?
* What if you are on SSI, do you ever get Medicare?
* What other benefits are available if you are on SSDI and reaching
retirement age?
You are invited to a Zoom webinar:
You Must Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the webinar.
Bio's of the Presenters:
Kelly Draggoo joined SSA in 2009 as a claims specialist processing
retirement, disability and Medicare claims. In 2018, she joined the Public
Affairs team providing outreach and education about Social Security benefits
to the public and professionals across central and southern Ohio and
southeastern Indiana. Kelly received her Bachelor's Degree from the
University of Cincinnati and is a native of Cincinnati, OH.
Theresa Busher serves as the public affairs specialist for the Social
Security offices of greater Dayton and Springfield. She has worked for the
Social Security Administration since 1993, and has experience with all
Social Security benefit programs, including retirement, disability and SSI.
With her public affairs position, Theresa acts as a Social Security
spokesperson, media liaison, and public educator. She resides in the south
Dayton area with her husband Ed. They have 5 children - 2 in college, and 3
at home ages 16 to 11.
A side note: Kelly and Theresa hold firm in their belief that they have the
best cats in the world, Kelly has Lucy and Lily, Theresa has Chester.
Please Note: The Access Center direct service staff will continue remote
work for the duration of 2020. This is a result of the ongoing COVID
pandemic and the increase in cases for Montgomery County.
All public events, that were previously scheduled, are canceled until
further notice. Virtual seminars are being scheduled starting in September.
For more information please send us an email at: <mailto:info at acils.com>
info at acils.com or check our website: <http://www.acils.com> www.acils.com
During this time, the Access Center staff continues to respond to the needs
of our community and consumers. If you need assistance please call:
937-341-5202. If you leave a message in the general mailbox it is checked
several times each business day between 9 AM and 5 PM. You can also email us
at: <mailto:info at acils.com> info at acils.com
ACIL is scheduling the delivery of COVID kits to consumers of the center who
indicate a need for assistance obtaining personal protection equipment and
other supplies as discussed with an Independent Living Specialist. If you
need assistance with obtaining these items, and are a person with a
disability and a consumer of ACIL or would like to become one, please
contact us at: 937-341-5202 voice / 711 Ohio Relay /
<mailto:info at acils.com> info at acils.com
The REDI program is now OPEN, by appointment only, for equipment donations
and pick-up / delivery. Please contact our REDI coordinator at: 937-341-5202
voice / 711 Ohio Relay / <mailto:info at acils.com> info at acils.com
The Opportunity Center building is open until 4:30 PM, Monday through
Friday, with strict safety guidelines and social distancing guidelines in
place. Masks are required to be worn in the building, unless there is a
medical requirement not to wear a mask. If you have an in-person need to
meet with someone from any of the other agencies in the building, please
call ahead for details.
Please continue to check our website:
5LirKltw_LSZ7yU> www.acils.com and our Facebook Page: The Access Center, for
up-dates regarding this situation.
Maria A. Matzik
Education and Advocacy Specialist
Pronouns: She / Her / Hers
Access Center for Independent Living, Inc.
(New Location: on the first floor of the Miami Valley Housing Opportunities)
907 W. 5th Street
Suite 100
Dayton, Ohio 45402
(937) 341-5202 Ext. 1007
(937) 341-5217 fax
711 Ohio Relay
<mailto:maria.matzik at acils.com> maria.matzik at acils.com
For information regarding our services please visit:
<http://www.acils.com/> www.acils.com
When visiting or attending events at the Access Center: The Access Center is
a fragrance free environment for the comfort and protection of individuals
visiting our center who have chemical sensitivity, respiratory conditions or
asthma. Please avoid wearing scented personal products such as perfume,
cologne, heavily scented hand creams, etc. when you come to our center. We
appreciate your help in making the Access Center a place everyone can enjoy.
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