[Ohio-Talk] FW: FYI: Ohio Disability Tech Update #2: Voting for Ohioans with Disabilities in a Covid19 World

Smith, JW smithj at ohio.edu
Thu Sep 24 21:19:58 UTC 2020


From: Gettman and Seifarth <marklucy at msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 12:41 PM
To: Gettman and Seifarth <marklucy at msn.com>
Subject: FYI: Ohio Disability Tech Update #2: Voting for Ohioans with Disabilities in a Covid19 World

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A.T. Ohio Disability Tech Update, Vol.2: Voting for Ohioans with Disabilities in a Covid19 World
Audio Interview & Written Transcript

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Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 11:31 AM
To: marklucy at msn.com<mailto:marklucy at msn.com> <marklucy at msn.com<mailto:marklucy at msn.com>>
Subject: Ohio Disability Tech Update #2: Voting for Ohioans with Disabilities in a Covid19 World

AT Ohio Discusses 2020 Election with the Secretary of State's ADA Coordinator

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A.T. Ohio Disability Tech Update, Vol 2:
Voting for Ohioans with Disabilities in a Covid19 World

Welcome to our new series: A.T. Ohio Disability Technology Updates!

With all the changes in our lives due to the Coronavirus, so many important are still going on that need our attention.

There is a very important election in our country on November 3. In addition to voting on a president, every member of Congress is up for election, two seats on the Ohio Supreme Court are being contested, as well as races for the Ohio House and Ohio Senate.

It is a tremendous challenge for Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose to put on a statewide election during a pandemic. We wondered... With so many things going on in the world, what impact would that have on voting for Ohioans with disabilities?

We are grateful to be able to talk to Brett Harbage, who is the ADA Coordinator for the Secretary of State's office. Brett is in his 14th year of serving in this important position. We want to thank Brett for taking time to talk to us about how things might look different - and might look just the same - for Ohioans with disabilities who might wish to vote in the upcoming election.

The transcript of the interview is below, but you can access the audio interview by clicking on the following link:

Intervew with Brett Harbage, ADA coordinator for Secretary of State Frank LaRose<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fr20.rs6.net%2Ftn.jsp%3Ff%3D001CphEvFBoLwx2Y65o0wefFS7whwQRNT-nH_H7NfpzBb1PHs2M6iTuPk3BPVbcWoYrAfMe-aNwTs868-vRtlC7YIWKbm3sH59dJkDet0A7SK53U_zQYAJfxdZxDCa7qWfr7lqf3W3zmd7bSFi5VyEeiwFpB9PLv5n41k_XFZ-Eufz300KYwhCKhjgEnBMobLpjRSDIL9-YYLfoaYvxZ0zJpgcBNc9nVCr7l7zp_a-ztTV80oplqeznMxxN8oJjtJlb3HgCgHfiDxEGIf3pilID9B-it_rVJ71fv0UjG4iIHR_dsxfzOwfHXApARgbXEjAcxmWYRCcKZ8rfU2L_jb1bwMW4yvhTEfofK8injE1qWYs03yPtHxDw0faTd4K662CLLM7NuvStznQ%3D%26c%3D4tVA3zliEbaA6d0L4hC2QyIYncC0EcfSasph8O3N8QjUi4mfeYIaIg%3D%3D%26ch%3DWDOGZN7sCW8eNUtZ1mU_B84lH2VJZMDwBIz6onpSJbki4w_QVH4C2Q%3D%3D&data=02%7C01%7Csmithj%40ohio.edu%7C75a2d999a52d4d33656508d860c1d650%7Cf3308007477c4a70888934611817c55a%7C0%7C0%7C637365732941345002&sdata=KAMJjG5zWOj4i3RVtIVIoKghP1gtFMQLqSAmjeWOLpw%3D&reserved=0>

Please visit the A.T. Ohio website:  www.atohio.org<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fr20.rs6.net%2Ftn.jsp%3Ff%3D001CphEvFBoLwx2Y65o0wefFS7whwQRNT-nH_H7NfpzBb1PHs2M6iTuPglJahpXyR-WMrhuXo9xIOFeKkqwD8ouHqeiMAkXKuxiSU6gEsPKgQrGEMVEkoiO08CXkPxaPcQbu_q9F92xbwDgU5W8jMsTlD6F_G8lcLH_uyl8Zl38SyemVVLa0PE40-d_nBEx-Q1M-opBcTaN3juPSjGfvqEhptzJF2D71k0ZM_vWZ04XtDpbPZba24bw-GuwzupJp-h8eaYCS3UuXrN5mIwYKtv7UUUZPaTVicJoRNspaXefgevmEGJggQXtpgDF32E7RI2i%26c%3D4tVA3zliEbaA6d0L4hC2QyIYncC0EcfSasph8O3N8QjUi4mfeYIaIg%3D%3D%26ch%3DWDOGZN7sCW8eNUtZ1mU_B84lH2VJZMDwBIz6onpSJbki4w_QVH4C2Q%3D%3D&data=02%7C01%7Csmithj%40ohio.edu%7C75a2d999a52d4d33656508d860c1d650%7Cf3308007477c4a70888934611817c55a%7C0%7C0%7C637365732941354994&sdata=AS3zYqHRB7fm%2BoTgfuVH5hgV2RfpfiUTeZEOrUEuNhE%3D&reserved=0>

For more information about voting in the 2020 election, please go to voteohio.gov.

William T. Darling, Ph.D, Director
Assistive Technology of Ohio


Transcript of the Interview with Brett Harbage follows below:

William Darling: Well, welcome everybody to our newest edition of the Ohio Disability Tech Update. We've got a special, very special guest here today, Brett Harbage, who is the ADA Coordinator from the Ohio Secretary of State's office.

You know, one of the things that we've talked about on this podcast is that it is such a crazy time with the coronavirus and how it impacts every area of life. From employment, relationships, just everything. But it's also, you know, there are important things that are happening. And one of those, that is an election and the coronavirus has certainly had an impact on the election.

We wanted to have a quick discussion today with Mr. Harbage about this election, the importance of it, and especially the importance for people with disabilities. So, Brett - thank you. Thank you for joining us today. We appreciate you being here, very much.

My first question for you as an ADA coordinator for the Secretary of State. What is your job? What are your responsibilities in that position?

Brett Harbage: Yeah. Bill, thanks for having me. Well, I tell people will kind of the basics. My role here is to make sure that people with disabilities can can vote. And when I say that we want people to be able to independently and privately. And what that entails a little bit more in detail... I work with all 88 County Boards of Elections on access to polling locations. So, I'll take staff members out from the board and I'll take them out and I'll show them how to do an assessment, you know how to measure a ramp, what kind of accessible parking they need at their polling locations.

We work really hard to try to get them educated and understand what they need from a fiscal sensibility standpoint at a polling location. That way they can do you know they're required to do surveys on their polling locations and make sure they're accessible. So that's part of what I do. I work with the counties on their some of their poll worker training classes. We provide information to them to make sure that if a person with a disability comes into a polling location the poll workers know how to maybe guide somebody who's visually impaired or blind or, you know, we talk to them about making sure that their accessible machines are set up.

And I do a lot of voter education and outreach. We've been talking with disability organizations and making sure people with disabilities, understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to voting. So, those are some of the things I do. But, like I said earlier, my goal in my position is to to make sure people with disabilities can vote independently and privately, just like anybody else so

You know and like I said earlier, before we got on. You know, I've been doing. I've been here for 14 years and this is my third administration that I've served under so definitely dealing with some new things here with Covid19 but...

WD: There's no doubt about that. And I think what some people might not understand from the Secretary of State's perspective is, it's not one election, it's 88 elections. Every county is responsible for their own election. So, it's not you know one set of answers... every county is not the same. So, that can present some, challenges for people as well. But just for this election, you know. People with disabilities, historically, one of the things - one of the reason they have a position like yours - is to try to get more people vote.

The first thing you gotta to do is register. What is the way to register? What is the deadline for it if you wanted to vote in this election and is it still possible to register to vote?

BH: Yeah, absolutely. Um, we're pretty lucky here in Ohio, because we have a couple different ways you can register. One is you can register online, you can go to voteohio.gov as long as you have your driver's license number, or identification card number, name, date of birth, address and your last four digits of your social security number. We're pretty lucky: not a lot of states have online registration. So, then you can also get a paper registration form as well and go to our website and download that. Obviously, a lot of people aren't out and about, but you can pick them up at libraries and other agencies that have those voter registration forms. But the deadline to register is coming up. It's October 5. So, there is still time to register.

I tell people, even if you think you're registered, go online and double check it. Make sure it's up to date, make sure it's current. But again, that registration deadline is October 5.

WD: And a huge part of this election is going to be done by vote-by-mail this this time, it seems. That is different for this year. This requires people to request than a request a ballot - is that correct? And so I was asking you, what is the timeline for that? What is it if you wanted to vote by mail -what is the way that that happens for people this year?

BH: We've been voting by mail for 10 years so it's nothing new to the state of Ohio. I think that's important for people to understand. Obviously, I think, a lot more people are going to take advantage of that because of Covid19. That may be the route they want to take because it's the safest for them. But, you do have to request that in writing and every registered voter in the state of Ohio should have gotten in the mail from our office an application. Those were sent out starting the first of this month, and everybody should have received that by now. But you can fill out that application, and the last day to request an absentee ballot is Saturday, October 31.

But we're highly recommending that people request that absentee ballot by October 27, just because of the sheer volume of mail. We want to make sure that people have enough time to send that request in and then get their ballot in the mail and send it back. But, if you got your application in the mail, go ahead and send that in right away. Don't wait - we're telling people and you're going to hear the secretary talked about it - don't wait to send in those applications and don't wait until the 31st. We're highly recommended that you request an absentee ballot by October 27.

WD: And I'm doing that this year. I'm voting by mail and just yesterday I received an email that said that my application had been approved so, I mean, I'm getting notifications. I'm being kept up-to-date about the whole process.

BH: A lot of people don't know that you can track that - you can go to our website and you can track - once the board receives your application - you can monitor where your ballot is in the process. And another thing that we get a lot of questions about is, well, "I sent my application - where's my ballot?" Ballots are not legally allowed to be sent out until after the registration closes. So, October 6 is when absentee voting begins and ballots will start to be mailed out to people.

WD: That's very helpful. Because that is a question that people would have. So, for people with disabilities... whether it's visual impairments or physical disabilities... they still have the ability to vote in person? If that's the way that they vote? Is that still an option for them this year? How does the election look for them specifically, for that group of people with disabilities?

BH: A couple things. I keep telling people we're looking to have a normal election. And when I say that, obviously this is going to be a little bit different but, we're having in-person voting - there's no question about that. November 3, the polls will be open. So, you can, if you choose, to vote on Election Day. You can go down to your local polling location. There's an accessible machine there that person with a disability - if they're visually impaired or blind - that has an audio ballot on it. You can zoom the screen, change the contrast...

You're going to see things are a little bit different. Obviously with Covid19... social distancing, machines are going to be wiped down... there are going to be a lot precautions that will be going on. And, you know, it will be a little bit different.

WD: But the fundamentals are still in place...

BH: Absolutely. I was just on a call with Fairfield County and they're putting up plexiglass when you go to sign in. They'll be plexiglas between the voter and the poll workers. They're also - they're buying throwaway stylists. So, you know, a lot of counties use poll books where you sign your name and your signature. The stylus that you're going to be using is a throwaway, so you're not reusing the stylist and anything you touch. Boards are taking a lot of different precautions when it comes to keeping voters safe and that sort of thing. But yeah, absolutely. Election Day is going to go off, like it normally would. And if that's the route people choose to go on Election Day and vote, that's their choice.

WD: So, last question for you. Brett. I really appreciate this - this is great information. So, if in this year when more people are expected to request an absentee ballot... if you do that... if you formally request an absentee ballot, the Secretary of State's office is kind of... they're expecting you to vote that way, right? I mean that, if you change your mind and say, "No, I want to vote in person," that's a little bit of a snag. I mean, isn't that true? You have to vote what they call "provisional." Am I correct on that?

BH: Yes. So, if I request an absentee ballot. You know, I can choose to use that ballot that comes to me in the mail. If I decide not to use that mail-in-ballot, I can go to my polling location on election day. What's going to happen is when you give me your name and address, it's going to be flagged. It's going to - if it's me, it's Brett Harbage - it's going to tell them that I already requested a ballot.

The provisional ballot - that's kind of a safeguard. It's going to allow you to go ahead and vote a ballot. It's going to go in a separate envelope. That way when that ballot comes back to the board of elections, they're going to double check and see if you actually sent in your absentee ballot, your mail-in ballot, that you received. If you already sent that in, they're going to go ahead and count that (mail-in) ballot. If you didn't send it in - you just requested it, and then didn't vote that ballot - then that provisional ballot that you voted on election day that's in that special envelope, they're going to take that one and use that as your choice for election day.

WD: Brett, I want to thank you for your time. I think it's important for them to know that all the fundamentals are still in place, that they can vote in person, that there are accessible voting machines for them, and that in a lot of ways, things are the same in this year even, though so many things are different. We appreciate you being with us here today to explain that for people with disabilities and good luck with this election. I know it's a challenge for you guys but you're working very hard on it and we appreciate that.

BH: I appreciate you having me on. Covid19 has affected all of our lives. We're trying to put on election that is safe and secure and allows people - especially people with disabilities - to choose how they want to vote. Whether they vote by mail, or go down early and vote in person at their board of elections, or go on election day, we're trying to make sure that those options are available to people and that people can do that safely.

WD: Brett - thank you. We thank you again. We appreciate your time very much.

BH: All right, thanks a lot.

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Assistive Technology of Ohio, 1314 Kinnear Road, Area 200, Columbus, OH 43212
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