[Ohio-Talk] Emailing: 2022 NFB Ohio committees

Richard Payne rchpay7 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 02:14:40 UTC 2022

Greetings in the body of this message and attached is the 2022 NFBO state

I did make changes on one of the committees so this would be correct. If you
have any questions or need to ask me anything about this, please contact me
off list.

2022 NFBO Committee appointments.

Charge: To oversee the awards process, to provide information and feedback
when necessary, and to make reasonable judgments about NFBO awards.

Annette Lutz, Chair
Jerry Purcell
Macy McClain

Charge: To communicate and help with planning the inhouse bell program and
to organize the bell Academy and plan efficient ways to promote and execute
the important programs. 

Eric Duffy, Coordinator

Charge: To educate the Ohio Affiliate about the professional and personal
benefits of community service, to encourage chapters, divisions, and
individuals to participate in projects in their communities, to encourage
members to identify or develop and implement their own service projects, and
to educate  the public about NFB philosophy and the skills and abilities
blind people bring to community service

Cheryl E. Fields and Pat McPherson co-chairs
Colleen Roth
Candice Armstrong
Barbara Mabry 
Susan Day
Delcenia Brown
 Michael Moore
 Wanda Sloan
 Maggie Stringer 
Joann Williams

4: CONSTITUTION  Committee
Charge: To make sure that all NFBO constitutions follow the state and
national constitutions, both philosophically and rhetorically.

Barbara Pierce, Chair 

Charge: To oversee the submission process and to write and distribute
clearly articulated and philosophically sound resolutions. 
Todd Elzey, chair
Debbie Baker
Barbara Pierce
Macy McClain
Andra Stover

6: DEAF-BLIND Committee 
Charge: To aid and provide information to those who are in this unique
community and to serve as a vehicle to foster a positive relationship for
the deaf-blind community. 
Sharon Dodds , chair
Todd Elzey
Suzanne Turner
William Turner

Charge: To inform the president about policies, legislation, strategies, and
initiatives in which NFBO should be engaged to improve educational
opportunities for blind youth throughout the state.

Jordy Stringer, chair
Suzanne Turner
Debbie Baker
Annette Lutz
marianne denning
Caroline Karbowski

8: FINANCING THE MOVEMENT COMMITTEE including (SUN coordinator, Jernigan
Fund coordinator, PAC coordinator)
Charge: To make members aware of these specific organizational fundraising
opportunities and to implement strategies to increase participation. 
Colleen Roth, chair
Annette Lutz

Charge: To investigate added opportunities to increase NFB-O resources and
to implement effective fundraising strategies and programming. 
Todd Elzey, chair
Delcenia Brown 
marianne denning

Charge: To increase the organization's visibility and effectiveness in the
state legislature and to continue to support our efforts in Washington
throughout the year. 

Eric Duffy, chair
Jordy Stringer
Todd Elzey
Debbie Baker
Annette Lutz
William Turner
Andra Stover
Olivia Bump

Charge: To implement effective strategies to recruit and retain members and
to reinvigorate the chapters and divisions of NFBO. 

Carolyn Peters, chair
Maggie Stringer
Dianna Labiche
Kinshuk Tella
Pat McPherson
Dave Perry,
William Turner

Charge: To assist with updating the content on  the Newsline service, as
well as, promoting and advertising NEWSLINE. Members on this committee
should be proficient computer users.
To develop content and suggest creative ways to promote NFBO branding.
Responsibilities include research audience preferences and discover current
trends, create engaging text, image and video content, design posts to
sustain readers' curiosity and create buzz around current issues, stay up to
date with changes in all social platforms ensuring maximum effectiveness,
train leaders how to use social media in a cohesive and beneficial way.
, and oversee social media accounts. 

Todd Elzey, Chair
Maggie Stringer
Macy McClain

Charge: To conduct the affiliate scholarship program and to develop and
implement effective strategies to increase the visibility of the program and
increase participation. 

Jordy Stringer, Chair
Kinshuk Tella
Kristin Coen

14: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee
The charge for the committee is to provide education and training, guidance
and advocacy where needed. Our diverse community includes, but is not
limited to, the intersectionality of ability, age, religion, race,
ethnicity, culture, gender identity or expression, and sexual orientation.

Christopher Sabine, chair
Emily Kiehl
Carolyn Peters
William Turner
Annette Anderson
Laurita Jones
Sheila Wilson
Masquenada Douglas

14: Employment Committee
To inform the president about policies, legislation, strategies, and
initiatives on why NFBO should be involved to improve employment
opportunities for blind persons throughout the state and beyond; the
importance of holding various platforms on accessible technology,
socializations skills, resume writing, career exploration and preparing
employers for interviewing and hiring blind people; also prepare members for
the National and various Career Fairs through, Learning about new employment
resources. Networking and interviewing techniques; finally educating members
on the significance on how to advocate for reasonable accommodations,
rehabilitation services and other vital resources to aid one in being
productive and successful in obtaining and maintaining a career.    

Suzanne Turner, Chair
Christopher Sabine
Andra Stover
Olivia Bump  
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2022 NFB Ohio committees

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