[Ohio-Talk] Legislative Action Needed

Eric Duffy peduffy63 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 00:43:04 UTC 2022

Congress is back in session. This is a perfect time to contact your members of Congress to urge them to cosponsor our legislation: Access Technology Affordability Act (H.R. 431/S. 212), Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (H.R. 4853), Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (H.R. 2373/S. 3238), and Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act (H.R. 9021/S. 4998). If we gain support for our legislation in these final few weeks of the 117th Congress, it might be just enough to push it over the top for a late vote before they adjourn for the year. This is our last chance in this Congress and we have to make it count! Your calls and emails absolutely make a difference!

 We need Everyone in Ohio to send Emails, make phone calls or both.

Please work on these Federal Bills now, and stay tuned for news about our Parental Rights Legislation in the coming weeks.


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