[PABS] June 2017 Agenda

Lizzy lizzym0827 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 09:02:42 UTC 2017

Hi All,
Attached and below is our Agenda for this Sunday's call.  Hope to 
see all of you there! Remember, even if you can't make 
convention, we need your ideas and opinions.  I truly believe 
that everyone in this group has something valuable to offer.


Agenda for the Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students June 
2017 Meeting
Call to order:
- Someone from NABS might join to enlighten us on how to get 
involved with the 50th anniversary activities at Convention.
- Final list of students going?
- Fundraiser: Raffle.
- We have the option of doing one giant raffle, two smaller 
raffle baskets or two baskets and a big ticket item.
So far we have: "Pennsylvania chocolates" (Hershey's and Gertrude 
Hawk); "Taste of Philadelphia" (Philadelphia TastyKakes, a small 
Liberty Bell paper weight, and a mug with something PA related 
written on it); we will also be raffling off a speaker.  We can 
either include the speaker with other items, combine all the 
items together in one big basket or raffle it separately.
- Discussion:
- Vote:
- Drawing will occur before the banquet on Saturday and we will 
call the recipient to collect their basket; they will also be 
announced on our social media sites.
- Exhibit hall sign ups to sell tickets (you may also sell them 
in hallways etc.).
- PABS will be donating $20 to NABS as a door prize at the annual 
meeting! Which everyone should try their very best to attend, who 
knows a Pennsylvanian just might win it!
Meeting Adjourn

Call-in info: 641:715:0700
Access Code: 616934

Yours in the movement,
Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students - president
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