[PACapitalChapter] Capital Chapter New Members

Elizabeth Medina ely26m at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 13 03:37:10 UTC 2019

Dear Capital Chapter Members, 
As you all know, I will be taking a new employment position with the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Cherry Hill New Jersey. This means that after our elections in January 2020, I will no longer be your Treasurer. You will always be my chapter. However, we are moving forward building and strengthening the Federation. Thus, the strength comes from our members. It is important as active chapter members to do outreach and to welcome new members, to educate members, to spread the NFB's mission, and to have fun as proactive respectful blind members of our communities. 
I agree that it is important to follow rules, procedures, and regulations, however, there will be no rules or regulations to follow without members. I encourage all of you to be aware of the chapter rules and it is important for us to know and understand this.  However, it is also necessary to continue to welcome new members telling them more about all the great things we can accomplish together and then walking our new members through the process of formally becoming a valuable member. 

Anna C. Walker is our President and she has respectfully lead our chapter since the beginning. I wish her the best during her training in the Louisiana Center for the Blind follow by the beginning of a wonderful educational journey at Penn State University. However, in her absence, the Vice-President should take the lead of the chapter as acting leader ensuring that the chapter and its members continue to move forward achieving goals. To delegate and to collaborate is a powerful thing. Anna C. Walker still our chapter's president, however, in her absence, the Vice-President should take lead and continue to delegate on behalf of our President. 
To our new members welcome and to all members who continue to bring new members spreading the voice of the NFB, thank you. 
Elizabeth Medina Rivera(717) 330-3062ely26m at yahoo.com 

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