[PACapitalChapter] Meet the blind month idea

Jason Polansky jaedpo96 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 13:09:02 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I've been toying around with an idea for Meet the Blind month that I don't
know will be feasible for this year with Covid, but perhaps something to
keep in the back of our minds for next year.
I was thinking that it would be really neat to do something in Gettysburg,
at either one of the museums, the hall of presidents, ghost tours, or
something of that nature.
This would allow for outreach to tourists, as well as the local community.
I was thinking that we could team up with our neighbors in the Maryland
affiliate, mainly the Carroll County chapter in putting this on.
What are people's thoughts on doing something of this nature? Specifically,
what activity/ attraction in Gettysburg do we think would be best for
getting our message across, if we were to proceed with this idea?

Jason Polansky

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