[PACapitalChapter] Meeting notes 3-21-20

CAROLE cacruise at comcast.net
Sat Mar 21 18:38:38 UTC 2020

Our chapter held a Conference Call meeting due to Coronavirus social distancing regulations on gatherings.
-Those in attendance were, Lynn Heitz, Jason Polanski, Hillary McFadden, Mark Pickens, Jerry Curello & Carole Cruise.

-There was no secretary report due to change of secretaries.
-There was no treasurers report due to absence of treasurer.

-There was informal conversation about the Coronavirus and it’s impact on NFB members & society at large. Everyone was encouraged to stay in touch & reach out to give or if help is needed.

Old Business;
- location of BELL is confirmed at same location as last summer.
-a lead teacher is in place
-Carole & Jason will volunteer throughout the week.
-Hillary volunteered to come read to students but realized she will be at the beach that week.

-Jason wants to work on increasing membership through community outreach.
-Jerry suggested reaching out to Visual Resources for a possible presentation about the NFB and our chapter at one of their monthly meetings (once they resume) he knows a contact there named Nancy.
-Jason mentioned a few potential members he knows of and he will attempt to contact them.
-Lynn said through the White Cane program she has access to a possible list of people around Harrisburg.
-Lynn suggested trying to reconnect with those who have attended only 1 meeting in the past to talk to them.

-Jason is in contact with Justin Salisbury from Philadelphia who is knowledgeable and quite active concerning legislative issues. Justin offered to mentor our chapter to become more involved with advocating to legislators since we are located in the state capital.
-Jason mentioned the Aim High federal bill supporting accessibility issues. He is going to try to get Messiah College to write a letter of support of the bill to PA legislators.
-Mark suggested contacting HACC and Temple’s Harrisburg office for additional letters of support.
-another interest is the pending bill for Parental Rights parenting legislation. This is particularly important to support the rights of blind parents. Lynn shared we need both republican & Democrat support for the bill to move forward.

-short discussion about possibly looking for a meeting sight in or closer to Harrisburg.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am

Submitted by:
Carole Cruise
Secretary of PA Capital Chapter

Sent from XFINITY Connect Mobile App

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