[PACapitalChapter] Urgent prayer request

Sadie McFarland sadiemc01 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 21:49:45 UTC 2023

Just a quick update on my grandfather… He went home to be with the Lord this morning, and I’ll be traveling to both Texas and Ohio for services next week.


Sadie M. McFarland
(740) 827-5613
sadiemc01 at gmail.com 
sm1685 at messiah.edu

> On Jan 16, 2023, at 11:30 AM, Sadie McFarland <sadiemc01 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning, NFB family. In May, my grandfather was diagnosed with lung cancer. Throughout the summer, he received his treatments, and one of the tumors was properly shrinking. However, in October he was admitted to Cleveland clinic. He was there for 10 days. During this time, we discovered that the other tumor had grown. After his hospital stay in October, he progressed nicely through November until around Thanksgiving when they thought he was well enough to travel to Texas. In Texas, he was hospitalized on Black Friday and kept for around two weeks as he battled fungal pneumonia due to the steroids he was on. Once he was strong enough to come home, 10 days after being released from the hospital, they traveled back to Ohio, where he has been in and out of hospitals and emergency rooms battling fungal pneumonia ever since. After being in the hospital for one week, January 4 through 12, the doctor rudely kicked him out, telling them there was nothing more the hospital could do. Palliative care was called in, but would only have visited once every two weeks, so they called hospice. Hospice came on Saturday and we were encouraged by what they told us about the program, besides the fact that they would only come once each week. However, this morning, my mom called me telling me to prepare to come home over the weekend. It’s looking like he’s in his final days. We are all in for a very difficult several weeks. In order for me to go home over the weekend, it’s going to cost me either two or $400 whether I take Amtrak or fly. Prayers are appreciated for my grandmother, my family, and myself, personally financially and academically. I will have to leave and miss several days of class, and the cost to travel is more than I have at the moment. They are both strong in the Lord and we know that this is God’s will. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers. 
> Blessings,
> Sadie M. McFarland
> (740) 827-5613
> sadiemc01 at gmail.com 
> sm1685 at messiah.edu

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