[PACapitalChapter] NFB of PA's State Convention Agenda available online

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 15:23:09 UTC 2024

Hello everybody!

The 2024 NFB of PA's State Convention is fastly approaching! In just two
days, we will be gathering with the largest community of blind and visually
impaired people in Pennsylvania!

Exciting things awaits at our state convention including:
- Senior Possibilities Fair for older adults who are losing their sight or
are newly blind
- Teching Care of Business: our Technology Seminar returns for another year
of business-related technology
- Veteran's Day Celebration where we will be honoring our blind and low
vision veterans!
- Various divisions, and group meetings including our newly formed
division, the Pennsylvania Association of Blind Parents!
- Baskets & Bingo event: our highly anticipated Bingo and auction
fundraising event!
- Annual Banquet
and so much more!!!!

Please see the agenda at the following link:

For more information, please contact Convention Chair,  Emily Gindlesperger
at vp2 at nfbp.org

the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania

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