[Perform-Talk] iheart radio

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Sat Oct 14 01:37:46 UTC 2017

hello all,
I hope that you are all doing well this evening and, that fall is
certainly in the air for us all! well, this past summer I was driving
with my parents in their rental car which they got when drove from il
to mi so I could meet up with my girlfriend before my parents went off
the other side of the state to be with family. well, we found iheart
radio in the car and, we found a station in iheart radio which was
awesome! I knew of it through a friend of mine but, I don't have
iPhone since besides my blindness I have a rare syndrome and, I don't
have the coordination for it! so, here's my question wheich I need
some help/advice so here it goes... csan I use this service on my
computer by setting up a account with them and, what is the website
for it? also, I have iTunes on my computer is it in the iTunes store
or do I have create a account for it by using the website that I
requested? also, is it still comparable to panadora or is it different
and, do others on this list like iheart radio or Pandora?

any help/advice will be appreciated thanks again and, I look forward
to hearing from you all on this topic soon!


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