[Perform-Talk] Performing Arts Division business meeting agenda

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 08:35:24 UTC 2023

hello all,

yes, i'am too having a blast here at convention here in houston. i
have a note to clarify. the day of the meeting is on monday july 3rd
not the day of tuesday. july 4th is on tuesday.

i just thought that i should clarify this! i have already checked out
the agenda for the meeting and, it looks awesome! i look forward to
seeing you all and, also meeting some of you in person too:)

thanks again and, i will talk to you all soon.

amy sabo

On 7/2/23, NFB Performing Arts Division via Perform-Talk
<perform-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello all!
> We hope you are all enjoying the 2023 NFB convention as much as we are! We
> are certainly looking forward to seeing everyone at our business meeting,
> which will be taking place on Tuesday, June 3 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. central
> time. Please see the attached agenda, which will include the streaming
> information for the meeting, as well as the physical location for those
> attending in person like us. We will be having an exciting improv workshop
> during the second half of our meeting, as well as a chance to network with
> other performers and introduce ourselves.
> In other news, we have also reached our maximum registration for performers
> in this year’s showcase of talent, which means it will be a full and
> exciting show. Please don’t be shy and drop on in to watch a great show on
> Wednesday, June 5th at 8:00 p.m. central time.
> And without further delay, let’s go build the Federation!
> National Federation of the Blind Performing Arts  Division

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