[Perform-Talk] Online piano lessons

Kelsey Nicolay piano.girl0299 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 26 02:56:19 UTC 2023

Hello, I previsly took piano lessons in person, but took a break due to work and other scheduling conflicts. the teacher I had was very open to working with me and my blindness was not a barrier to her〃 but she is not teaching much anymore, so I would have to find a new teacher. I am considering getting back into piano and found a teacher who offers both online and in person lessons. This teacher is very well respected in the area. He uses books and pieces he created himself, so NLS would not have any of the books he is using which could be a problem for transcribing. I do have a transcriber, but not sure if transcribing an entire book would be feasible. when I reach out to him, should I inform him about my blindness and my braille music need and see if he would be willing to use one of the series that has been published in braille such as Intro to Piano for the Blind Student and then once we finish that seri€s move onto individual pieces that I can get through NLS once I am comfortable with everything? also, do you think on online lesson would be feasible since I have some knowledge of piano technique or is in person the way to go? The good thing is he offers a free trial lesson, so I can get a feel for him to see if he would be a good fit or not before committing to lessons. 
ent from Kelsey Nicolay’s iPhone 

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