[Pibe-division] New Lists on nfbnet.org

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Jan 28 23:49:54 UTC 2009

I am pleased to be able to tell you about six new lists now hosted on 
nfbnet.org.  They include:

* NFB of Maryland list
* North Dakota Talk
* South Dakota Talk
* Tidewater Virginia chapter list
* Missouri Parents Network
* youth-outreach

Below is information on  all the lists with instructions on how to 
subscribe to each.



NFBMD is the e-mail list of the National
Federation of the Blind of Maryland. The purpose of this group is to 
provide information to anyone interested in events and issues 
effecting blind people in Maryland. This group will facilitate
discussion on topics related to blindness,
chapter and state activities, and state and local
resources. There will also be occasional posts
concerning issues of major importance to the
blind as well as announcements concerning activities of the National 
Federation of the Blind on the national level.

To subscribe either go to:


or send e-mail to nfbmd-request at nfbnet.org and put the word subscribe 
in the subject line by itself.


ND-Talk is the e-mail list of the National Federation of the Blind of North
Dakota. The purpose of this group is to provide information to anyone 
interested in events and issues effecting blind people
in North Dakota. This group will facilitate discussion on topics 
related to blindness. There will also be occasional
posts concerning issues of major importance to the blind as well as 
announcements concerning activities of the National
Federation of the Blind on the national, state, and local levels.

To subscribe to this list either go to:


or send e-mail to nd-talk-request at nfbnet.org and put the word 
subscribe in the subject line by itself.


SD-Talk is the e-mail list of the National Federation of the Blind of 
South Dakota. The purpose of this group is to provide information to 
anyone interested
in events and issues effecting blind people
in South Dakota. This group will facilitate discussion on topics 
related to blindness. There will also be occasional
posts concerning issues of major importance to the blind as well as 
announcements concerning activities of the National Federation of the 
Blind on the national,
state, and local levels.

To subscribe to this list either go to:


or send e-mail to sd-talk-request at nfbnet.org and put the word 
subscribe in the subject field by itself.


We are the NFB of Virginia Tidewater Chapter and we are growing. Our 
President is
Stewart Prost. We cover the Norfolk and Portsmouth areas as well as 
parts of Virginia Beach and Chesapeake. We meet every 3rd Saturday at 
Orapax Greek
Restaurant in the Ghent.

To subscribe to this list either go to:


or send e-mail to tidewater-chapter-request at nfbnet.org and put the 
word subscribe in the subject line by itself.


This list is for parents of blind and visually impaired children from
Missouri and is designed to provide an opportunity for Missouri
parents to network and share ideas with other parents as they seek to
find solutions and resources.

To subscribe to this list either go to:


or send e-mail to missouri-parents-network-request at nfbnet.org and put 
the word subscribe in the subject field by itself.


The purpose of the Youth-Outreach listserv is to facilitate 
discussions among NFB members interested in building youth outreach 
programs in their chapters
and affiliates.  The listserve will be used as a forum for sharing 
information, resources, and ideas.  This listserv will help generate 
innovative approaches to inspiring and engaging blind youth and will 
build a community of those interested in improving opportunities for 
youth through the NFB.

To subscribe to this list either go to:


or send e-mail to youth-outreach-request at nfbnet.org and put the word 
subscribe on the subject line by itself.

More information about the PIBE-Division mailing list