[Pibe-division] Bookshare - NIMAC News!
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Thu Jan 29 00:36:32 UTC 2009
Bookshare: Books Without Barriers
Bookshare and NIMAC Announcement
NIMAC books:
To find NIMAC books, go to:
<mailto:nimacrequest at bookshare.org>Then email us
to request the book be added to Bookshare
Dear David Andrews:
Have you heard the good news? There is a simple
new NIMAC process that will enable Bookshare to
provide NIMAC books to your students in a week or
less at no cost, thanks to funding from the U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.
You can now name Bookshare as one of your
Authorized Users (AU) at the NIMAC. You need to
sign an updated NIMAC coordination agreement,
which the NIMAC recently sent directly to all
NIMAC state coordinators, and then appoint
Bookshare as an AU. The new coordination
agreement is available online at the NIMAC's
website at:
Then, when one of your students needs a book:
* Any public school staff person (including
classroom teachers, special educators and
librarians) can send an email to
<mailto:nimacrequest at bookshare.org>nimacrequest at bookshare.org
requesting the book after confirming that it's in
the NIMAC at:
We just need to know the title, author, publisher and/or ISBN number.
* We'll download the book, convert it into
accessible digital text formats (DAISY and BRF)
within a week and let the requestor know the book is in Bookshare.
* The requestor logs into their Bookshare
account and downloads the book for a qualified
student with an IEP. Two different accessible
software packages that read the books are also
available free for download, as well as high quality synthetic speech.
After you send the AU request to the NIMAC, we
will inform those educators in your jurisdiction
who are Bookshare Members about the process and
we'll include the information in communications
to appropriate personnel in all districts, regardless of Bookshare membership.
Together, let's get accessible textbooks flowing
smoothly from the NIMAC to students in a timely manner!
Best regards,
The Bookshare Team
Ideas That Work
© Copyright 2008, Beneficent Technology, Inc. (The Benetech Initiative)
is a California nonprofit organization.
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according to Bookshare.orgs privacy policy. This
email was sent out by our market services
provider. Bookshare.org does not keep a copy of
your email address. For inquiries about upcoming
events such as webinars, please email us at
<mailto:events at bookshare.org>events at bookshare.org.
If you have further questions or encounter any
problems, please email us at
<mailto:info at bookshare.org>info at bookshare.org or call us at
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