[Pibe-division] graphing
Greg Aikens
gpaikens at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 12:58:54 UTC 2011
A screen board is also a useful tool for sketching tactile graphs on the fly. The one I use is a piece of window screen that covers one side of a clipboard. When you put the paper on the screen and draw on it with crayons, the rough surface of the window screen makes the crayons leave raised lines. These graphs are fairly crude but can be made quickly. They are especially useful for looking at the overall shape of graphs and introducing overall concepts. I used one last spring to make it through a research class in graduate school but have been using one since 8th grade math.
On Oct 18, 2011, at 6:55 AM, Jaquiss, Robert wrote:
> Hello:
> If you are looking for craft items, don’t forget Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Note that Hobby Lobby is closed on Sundays. Places that sell flooring and carpet may have old sample boards. These are populated withsmall squares of material. There are lots of textures out there.
> Regards,
> Robert
> Robert Jaquiss
> National Federation of the Blind
> 200 East Wells Street at Jernigan Place
> Baltimore, Maryland 21230
> Phone: 410-659-9314, ext. 2422
> From: pibe-division-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:pibe-division-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Dr. Denise M. Robinson
> Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 6:46 AM
> To: Professionals in Blindness Education Division List
> Subject: Re: [Pibe-division] graphing
> Marianne
> I use many things: I try to make everything 3-D that can be. Look at APH.org for so many math manipulatives ...there are many. Wikki sticks on paper are great also for making graphs. Go to fabric store and pick up stick backed material, dots and other sticky back items that are great for making graphs into 3-D. I also use the draftsman and students can draw their own pictures--Aph also offers a tactile kit which is wonderful too. Using a long slate n stylus so they can label the paper works perfectly.
> A few ideas
> Denise
> Denise M. Robinson, TVI, Ph.D.
> CEO, TechVision
> Specialist in blind technology/teaching/training
> email: yourtechvision at gmail.com
> Website with hundreds of lessons: yourtechvision.com
> From: Marianne Denning <MDenning at finneytown.org>
> To: "pibe-division at nfbnet.org" <pibe-division at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 9:55 AM
> Subject: [Pibe-division] graphing
> I am working with a student in algebra 2. She is graphing inequalities so we need to create a dash line, a straight line and shade the areas between the lines. We are having trouble reading the graphs in the book and understanding where the area between the lines are. I would appreciate any help.
> Marianne Denning
> Intervention Specialist, Visually Impaired
> Finneytown Secondary Campus
> mdenning at finneytown.org
> 513-931-0712
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