[Pibe-division] FW: Introduction

Amanda Gough amanda.gough at xtra.co.nz
Sun Aug 16 03:59:28 UTC 2015


(Sorry, if you get two copies of this - I just realised I am subscribed
under my personal email address, but posted from my work address.)


Hi there Pibe-Divisioners!


I am a Resource Teacher: Vision (I don't like the title, but that's what we
officially are here.) living in Whanganui, New Zealand. I work itinerantly,
and have five students who I see regularly, plus others who get monitored.
Two of my students are braille readers and the other three have stable low
vision and use large print. Additionally, last year I passed my Trans-Tasman
UEB proficiency exam, and this year I am working on my Post Graduate Diploma
in Specialist Teaching (Blind and Low Vision). 


I feel extremely privileged to have attended two NFB National Conventions,
both some years ago, with my now ex-husband, who is blind. I often direct
parents to NFB material, and cite it throughout my studies.  My experiences
with many competent blind adults have come to give me a positive philosophy
of blindness that is based on difference, not deficit. 


I am looking forward to corresponding with others working in this field who
share a similar philosophy. 


Kind regards 


Amanda Goughe Teacher Vision

BLENNZ Whanganui

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